Chapter Forty Six

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~ Beyonce Knowles's POV. ~

"Beyonce what's your next project?"

The man flashed the bright light in my face, "How's Onika doing?"

"What's your future plans?" Another photographer yelled.

My security pushed them back as I entered the building. I was feeling amazing and all I wanted to do was enjoy a few drinks with my friends. But since they were out of town, Amber was my next bet.

I scrolled through the loud bar, that was filled drunks, hoes, and other messy people. I sighed and spotted her sitting socializing with others. I smiled slightly and walked over to her.

"Hey boo." I smiled pulling her into a deep hug.

She smelt so good. She kissed my cheek and I smiled at her. She looked gorgeous. The dress she wore hugged her body in all the right spots. She was wearing a pair of nude Red Bottoms that complimented her skin tone.

"Hey Bey. You look so beautiful." She blushed.

My cheeks flushed with redness and a small smile sneaked across my face, "Thank you. But that's all you."

She smiled and waved me off, "Come on let's get wasted. Where's Onika at? I invited her."

"She actually has to make up some studio time, so she won't be able to make it." I replied.

She poked her bottom lip out, showing she said was sad.

"I miss my big booty bitch." She laughed.

Shit I do too. I haven't seen her since she left the house and I haven't talked to her since this morning.

Hours passed and we were wasted as fuck. We decided to just leave the money on the counter and leave. My security left hours ago, so we didn't have a ride.

"Fuck baby, how we getting home?" She groaned leaning on shoulder.

"U-u-uhh uber?" I asked her.

She gave me a thumbs up and gave me drunk smile. My vision started to get blurry as I searched for the number, but luckily I found it.

After calling them, they arrived pretty quickly. We climbed into the backseat of the black SUV and strapped ourselves in.

"Where are you beautiful ladies heading to?" The old uber driver asked from the drivers seat.

"Can I stay at your place tonight?" She questioned.

I nodded my head and told him my address. The ride back home was very hot. I mean both of us were off the liquor and I'm going to lie she looked beautiful.

"Bey your r-really beautiful. I like you a lot, but I could never hurt Onika like that." She fiddle with her fingers.

I placed my hand on her thigh and smirked, "I like you a lot too, but not in that way."

She smiled and kissed my cheek. We pulled in front of my house and he helped us out of the big car. We struggled to get up the stairs while we were drunk. I rang the bell multiple times before someone actually answered. The door swung open and Onika appeared patting her head. She must have went to get her hair done after working in the studio.

"Why y'all coming in so late?" She questioned closing the door behind the two of us.

"It's only 3am baby." I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes and pulled Amber into a hug, "Hey boo."

Amber smiled and kissed her cheek, "Hey big booty."

"Did y'all have fun?" She questioned.

"Yeah." We replied.

"I'm going to go get in the guest bed." Amber announced.

We nodded and continued to talk, but the only thing on my mind was what Amber said in the car.

Short chapter, I know. But all hell is about to break in the next few chapters.

- What do y'all think about Amber and Bey's conversation in the car?

- What do y'all think is about to happen?

- Maya ❤️

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