Chapter Fourteen

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

"Let's take a picture bae." I called out from the bathroom.

"Bet you're not even packed. Could you please pack up?" She sighed.

"Take a picture with me and I'll do it." I smirked.

She looked at me and I batted my eyelashes.

"Come on daddy." I moaned out.


3 hours from now we have to broad the plane. I was no where near close to ready. I still didn't pack any of my clothes, makeup, or shoes.

We took five pictures and scrolled through them.

"I like this one." She called out.

"Why cause you're hands are gripping my breast." I smirked.

"Mhmm." She laughed walking out, "Can you get your things ready please?"

"Okay baby." I laughed walked out behind her.

After brooding the plane, we found out we had more people coming. Chris, Red, Rihanna, Aubrey, Draya, Chyna, and Ty were all coming. It didn't seem to phase me, but it sure had an effect on Onika. She didn't seem like she was too happy.

"Wasspopping Queen Bey?" Chris said messing up my hair.

"Don't touch my hair." I said rolling my eyes.

Chris was always the really playful and jokester in the group. He loved bothering me especially with Aubrey.

"Hey Bey." Aubrey smirked.

"Hi." I smirked back.

"You still mad at me from the pool?" Chris asked laughing.

"Why you always bothering her?" Draya asked laughing. "Hey Bey. Wassup Nika?

"Hey Draya." I replied.

Everyone greeted me and I walked to the back of the plane. I was sleep and all I really wanted to do was cuddle with my girlfriend. I got on my phone and saw my mom texted me. After sighing and knowing I did something wrong, I decided to text her back. My mom helped me through my career, but she really didn't care about anything else but that. She really only cared the money and how my image looks. She wanted me with Jay because of all the money he makes.

Mommy 👑❤️; Why is it all over the news that you and Jay broke up?

- Because we did.

Mommy 👑❤️; Bey this is serious, did you try and fix it?

- What? I'm not going back to that man mom. He cheated on me and has a another girlfriend.

Mommy 👑❤️; Did you try and fix it? This is his first time, right? Give him another chance.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This woman must be out of her damn mind if she thinks I'm getting back with him .

- It's over mom, I don't want him anymore.

Mommy 👑❤️; Bey who gonna be yours?

- Don't worry about that mom. I gotta go I'm sleepy.

I don't know when I'll come out and tell my mom that I'm a lesbian, but soon. I was literally afraid to tell her. She was absolutely and utterly against gays. My whole family was except Solange. I need to talk to her. I miss her.

Mommy 👑❤️; Pitiful, bye child.

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. Soon Onika walked in and smiled at me. When she noticed my expression hers changed as well .

"What's the matter baby?" She asked sitting down on the bed.

"I just got done texting my mom. She found out that Jay and I broke up, and she's not to happy about it." I sighed shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh it's okay. She'll come around to it. What about introducing us to her?" She smiled at the end.

I looked down and shook my head, "Onika I can't tell my mom about us yet. She'll disown me and so will the rest of my family."

"My family already knows I'm bisexual and they don't care, but you can tell your family about later. We're still together, right?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Of course baby." I smiled kissing her cheek and laying my head in her lap.

"Good, we need to go on a date." She stated.

"I was thinking the same thing. Let's do it after your show in Miami." I smiled as she started to run her hands through my hair.

"That'll be perfect. Let's perform together." She suggested.

"Okay babe. We can do Feeling Myself and Flawless." I smiled.

She stood up and took her clothes off. I did the same and climbed into the bed. She pulled me close and we talk the rest of the night.

"Hey what's going on back here?" Dray smirked walking in.

"Draya could you please get out?" Onika gritted.

Why was she so mad about her coming in? I thought they were best friends. Something not adding up right.

"Can I say goodnight?" She smiled at me.

"Goodnight." We said.

She glanced at me and then Onika and smirked.

"I'll see you two in the morning." She said before disappearing inti the other part of the plane.

"That's weird." I murmured.

"Yeah, it's whatever I guess." Onika said kissing my cheek.

The rest of the night we talked and laughed. We talked about life goals and dreams. I just can't believe that I have a girlfriend. I think I'm catching feeling for her.

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