Chapter Fifty

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~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

After landing in NewYork and visiting my family, Amber and Rihanna decided we should go out tonight. So right now, I was on FaceTime with Safaree and get dressed for this night out.

"Why you getting dressed for?" He asked.

"I'm going out tonight." I giggled.

He cleared his throat, "Did Bey approve of this?"

I rolled my eyes and continue to do my eyeliner, "She doesn't need to approve shit. We're on a break."

He gasped and covered his mouth, "What? What the hell happened? I never thought in a million years y'all would need a break?"

"She said that she needed some space because us being in a relationship was too much. She just wanted to clear her head."

"Y'all still together though?" He asked shaking his head.

"I guess, ask Bey. At the moment I'm doing me. I still love her though." I shrugged not really wanting to talk about the situation between us two.

"Well don't go out being grown and keep ya legs closed Nika." He groaned.

"I will nigga." I laughed, "I'm not a hoe."

"I gotta go Nika, text me."

I nodded and hung up on his ass. I really didn't feel like talking to his ass. I didn't feel like talking about the situation between Bey and I either. It was really annoying.

The only thing that was on my mind was going out tonight and having fun. I deserved it.

~ Beyonce Knowles's POV. ~

I was confused, disappointed, and frustrated all in one. I didn't what to do, say, or how to approach Onika about this, but I knew I needed too. I cut Asyria off and told her that we couldn't continue to see each other because I was in a relationship. She agree and said it would be best if we stayed friends and that's what we did. No flirting, touching, or kissing.

I glanced at the time on the cable box and saw it was 11:45. I guess I'll go see my baby now since I miss her a lot. I was going to tell her everything that happened, so that we could start over on a clean slate.

After driving across town to get her house, I found out she wasn't here. I groaned and dialed her number. Placing it to my ear, I patiently wait for her to answer, but to my surprise I didn't get an answer. After calling her multiple times, I give up and drive off. Where the hell could she be?

- Do you know where Onika is?

Chris 😛❤️; She's in NewYork. She didn't tell you?

- No, what is she doing up there.

Chris 😛❤️; Same thing you're doing, clearing her head.

I licked my lips and sighed as I got out my car. Hopefully, she's not cleaning her head to much.

~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

After drowning myself in liquor and blunts, I was on the dance floor having the time of my live. This was helping me get my mind off of Bey and the problem we were going through. I just wanted to escape it, but I also wanted to be trapped inside it. I love that girl. I truly do and hopefully she'll come to her senses and see that I'm best thing for her.

As I continued to dance, I felt someone grab my waist. Trini Dem Girls was playing and that caused me grind my hips harder into the person's pelvis. I could feel an erection hardening against my pussy. When the song went off, I saw it was a light skin man with curly hair. This man was gorgeous. Just a beautiful sight.

"You're beautiful, what's ya name?" I questioned with a flirty smile.

"Michael, I know yours." He chuckled.

I blushed. We continued to talk, but I didn't really wanna talk. I wanted him between my legs.

"You tryna go back to my hotel?" He questioned with a small smirk.

"Of course daddy." I smiled.

We walked out the building and the last thing I remember was my bra being yanked off, my legs being tossed into the air, and moan endlessly throughout the entire night.

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