Chapter Twenty

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

I pulled myself out of Onika tight grip and climbed out of bed. I had Allison and Meagan coming by in an hour and we were going to organize a my trip to Vegas. Then later on today, we were going to chill with the crew. I praying to Jesus Christ that Draya will not be there. I haven't been able to tell Onika. I'm so scared and soon it will become to much to handle. I know it is.

"Babe come back to bed." Onika called from the bed.

"Allison will be here in a few, I have to get dressed." I replied with a chuckle.

"Who's Allison?" She groaned.

"My assistant." I said walking into the bathroom.

"Can we shower together?" She asked softly.

I poked my head out the door with a smirk on my face.

"Come on." I purred.

She gave a sexy look and bit her lip. I disappeared into the bathroom and turned the shower water on. As I waited I stripped out of my clothes. S I was about to step in the shower, I felt a hard slap on my ass.

"Ouch! Onika that fuckin hurt!" I stressed rubbing my ass.

"Oh shut up and get in the shower." She laughed and climbed in behind me.

She climbed in shortly and smiled at me.

"You so beautiful." She grinned pulling me close.

I blushed and gripped her ass. She kissed my neck and I moaned as she stuck my neck, leaving a love bite.

"I have a hour to get ready baby, lemme take a shower." I laughed.

"Fine." She mumbled.

I giggled at her actions and washed my body. Once I finished I got dressed, did my hair, and walked downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, the smell of bacon hit me. I smiled at seen Onika wear a PINK green Bra with a blue thong. I smirked and gripped her ass.

"Thought you ain't wanna get freaky." She moaned.

"I don't, but you're making hard on me woman." I chuckled.

"Can I get a good morning kiss?" She whined.

I leaned down and kissed her lips. Massaging the tongues together, I pulled her closer. She moaned I pushed her against the counter.

"Mmm." She groaned wrapping her arms around my neck.

Soon the kiss came to a end, she bit my lip as I pulled away.

"Love you." She whispered batting her eyelashes.

"Love you too baby." I grinned.

She walked over to the stove and continued to cook.

"Bey!" I heard Allison yell.

"I'm in the kitchen." I yelled back. "Go put some clothes on Onika."

"I wanna be comfortable!" She yelled at me as I walked out.

"Onika! Clothes!" I yelled back.

~ Onika's Maraj's POV. ~

"Ooh! Go best friend! That's my best friend! Yes you betta! You betta!" I yelled and threw a stack on Rih as she twerked.

I was at my house with my best friends hanging fun. Everyone was laughing and enjoying there time together. Bey was out handling some business, but soon she would be here to join the fun.

"Aye." Draya said smiling and clapping her hands.

Amber started dancing and I grabbed my drinks. I took a sip and scrunched my face up at the burning sensation on the back of my throat.

"You aight?" Amber asked patting my back.

"I'm fine, where's my baby at though?"

Just then there was a knock at the door. I smiled and ran towards it. I pulled it open to see Bey standing there smiling.

"Hey baby. Sorry I'm late, but I was in the studio with Chris." She said walking in.

"Y'all were working on a song?" She asked.

"Yeah, we just finished up. I think you'll like it." She giggled walking into the living room.

I smiled and closed the door. Walking into the living room, I saw Bey just standing there. She wasn't moving, she was just starring. I followed her gaze and saw she was starting at Draya. Lately them two haven't been acting the same.

"Hey Bey." Draya smirked before taking a sip of her drink.

"Hi." She replied dryly.

"Is everything alright?" Rihanna asked looking between the two of them.

"We are fine, right Bey?" Draya said pulling Bey's arm and dancing with her.

She touched her ass and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"She just misses me." Draya laughed.

"Uh... yeah, you can say that." Bey replied.

"Well something at ain't right." Sasha announced.

"Bey you okay?" I asked pulling her away from Draya and holding her hands.

"I'm fine Onika baby, I just need some rest." She said with a reassuring smile.

I kissed her lips and she blushed.

"Goodnight everyone." She scurried off.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

I couldn't be in the room with Draya and Onika. I felt like I betrayed her by not telling. It seems like every since I started messing around with Onika my mind hasn't been right, but I feel good.

I took a shower, and cuddled in the bed naked. As I laid there, I thought about how I was going to tell Onika. I had to tell her. Soon though. Soon enough.

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