Chapter Fifty One

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~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

I could feel my head pounding as I turned over and fully woke up from my deep slumber. I picked up my phone and saw Bey called and texted me over fifty times. I jumped out of the bed when I turned and saw I was naked and so was the man too. I felt like bursting into tears. I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I cheated on Bey.

I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek as I put my clothes back on and walked out the hotel room. I texted Amber and told her to come get me. I didn't want Rih to come and get me because she would probably fight me for cheating.

My finger hovered over Bey's name. I wanted to call her, but I was too scared to. I didn't want to her voice, but I did want. Finally I decided to call her. I needed to hear her voice. After three rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" She grumbled.

I frowned a bit knowing I just woke her up, "Hey baby, you called me?"

"Onika I called you last night. Why didn't you answer?" She asked after cleared her throat.

"..... I was in the club, sorry baby." My voice croaked.

She sighed, " I was worried about baby. I'm glad you're good though. Why you ain't tell me you was going to NewYork?"

"I don't know. I'm coming back tomorrow morning." I fiddled with the end of my dress.

"When you come back, we need to talk." She mumbled.

"About what?" I questioned.

"... You'll know when you get back." She whispered.

"Okay baby. I love you." I smiled a bit.

"I love you too baby girl." She chuckled.

"Bey wait..."

"Wassup girl?" She asked laughing a little.

I cleared my throat and sat down in the lobby, "No matter what happens, we'll still be together right?"

"It depends. If you was to hurt to a certain point, I don't know. Why you asking this baby?"

I blinked back the tears and looked down, "Nothing, just asked. I love you baby." I whispered.

"Okay I love you more." She hung up.

The only thing I can do is pray that this doesn't make a turn for the worst.

Wow, I really feel bad for them. Let's just hope nothing else bad happens. 😏

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- Maya 😈

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