Chapter Nineteen

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Walking out of my house and feeling the cool warm mixed air brush against my skin. I felt hella good today, just energetic. I was going to kick it with my sister and my nephew this afternoon. I missed them like crazy and I had so much to tell my sister. I need advice from her badly.

Quickly deciding on which I was going to drive, I walked over to my Audi. Starting it and checking myself in the mirror I smiled. I closed the mirror and turned my music up. I backed out of my garage and stopped by the guard at the gate.

"You know how it goes. Don't let anyone in." I replied.

He nodded and waved, "As you wish Miss. Knowles."

I drove off and drove down the road blasting the latest songs of 2015. As I listened to the music, j smirked to myself hearing 'Watch Me Whip'. My song '7/11' shitted on it. I mean the song was okay, but not better than mine.

Was it time for me to shit on this bitches with a surprise album? I mean this basic ass artists was feeling themselves way to much. I laughed to myself and shook my head as I made a right on a green light . They wasn't ready for Queen Bey's arrive. They weren't ready for the sales to drop. They weren't.

Turning into Solange's driveway, I turned the car off and closed the door. I placed my shades on and walked over to the fairly medium sized house. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"The door's open!" I hear someone yell.

I walked in and smiled. I heard voices coming from the kitchen, so that's where I headed. As I walked in I saw Solange, Marcus, and Julez's. I grinned and waved.

"Hey guys." I chimed.

"Hey Bey." They said.

"Auntie Bey." Julez yelled running over to me.

He hugged my waist and hugged him back.

"I miss y'all." I replied kissing his cheek.

"Bey we got a whole lot to talk about. So let's get going." She laughed.

She kissed her husband goodbye and we left.

"Why my nephew not coming?" I asked her.

"Because this is national sister day." She laughed.

I giggled knowing she was going by what social media. We got in my Audi and drove off.

"Where we going first?" She asked.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled stopping at a red light.

"Dummy, let's go get something to eat." She said giggled.

"I'm not dummy Longe." I laughed.

"What's this I hear about you and Jay breaking up?" She asked.

"We already up. He cheated on me with   his baby mama." I mumbled.

"Woah! How long was he cheating on your for?" She asked.

"About 3 years." I shrugged.

"You don't care?" She asked.

I smiled and replied, "Nope because I'm working on something with someone already. That person makes me feel wanted. I love them."

"Who? I wanna know!" She exclaimed.

"None of your business right now. We low key." I laughed.

I told my sister everything, but I couldn't tell her that I was a lesbian. I just couldn't it was going to work out. I was scared honestly. I was frightened at what my family would think of me. I didn't want them to hate because the gender of person I fell in love with. I just wasn't ready at the moment.

"Bey you tell me everything. Tell me." She exclaimed.

"Later, we only have limited time to hang out because I'm going out tonight." I explained.

She sighed and nodded, "It's whatever."

I looked over at her as I pulled into the parking spot and sighed.

"Come on Longe, I'm hungry." I mumbled.

~ Draya Michelle's POV. ~

"Fuck I wish Bey was here." I yelled out as I came all over my fingers.

I was fingering myself to a few pictures of her and I couldn't help myself. She was so beautiful and I loved her. At first I wasn't into girls, but after watching some lesbian porn, I was hooked. I wasn't going to go after Bey and Onika's relationship, but I had too. I always had a small crush on Bey anyways. So why not break there relationship up and make my own with her.

Smirking to myself, licked my fingers and stood up. I pulled my phone out and called Bey. Let's see what she's up tonight. She's been acting weird lately and I wasn't feeling it.

"Uh Draya... what's up?" She asked uneasily.

"Hey I noticed you've been acting weird and I just wanted to call and see why." I said softly.

Talking to her made the chills run through me.

"Draya there's no need for us to talk or hang out. I'm telling Onika what happened and she's gonna kick your ass." She gritted.

"Bey what the hell are you talking about?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows together.

I honestly had no idea of what she was talking about.

".... You have to remember. The car, you stripped in my car."

"In Miami? Bitch I was drunk I don't remember any of that!" I laughed.

"I don't care, I'm still telling." She replied dully.

"Bey please don't. It was honestly a mistake. Lemme make it up to you." I replied smiling at the end.

"...... Draya I swear god if this is one of your little tricks. I'll kick your ass myself. What do you want to?"

"Let's go out next Wednesday." I smirked.

"Deal, bye Draya." She sighed before my line went dead.

I smirked to myself already know what I was going to do. She was going fucked me one way or another.

~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

"She makes me feel wanted like no one has before! She don't want nothing from me, but to know my love for sure." I sang to Bey along with Kehlani.

We were first row seats at Kehlani's concert. I was huge fan of her music and supported her 100%.

Bey hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I love you baby." She whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I smiled.

Woah! Draya gotta a plan! What y'all think?

-Maya 🈹

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