Chapter Four

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| Beyoncé Knowles's POV. |

It's been two weeks and I haven't talk to Onika since what went down. I've been staying away because I'm starting to feeling different as a whole. I look at women in a whole different light now. I find myself eye raping them, and bit my lip when I see one with booty shorts on. I was seriously confused. It's crazy how that one incident that happened has me questioning my sexuality.

Jay came home two days ago and our anniversary was a week ago. He really has been talking to me lately. I don't even know who I am anymore. It's like I'm living with a complete stranger. He's been sleeping on the couch, and if he did sleep with me, he wouldn't cuddle with me. I feel like I'm losing everything at this moment.

I walked into the living room and seen him dressed.

"I see you're going out again. Lemme guess, Kanye again?" I scoffed.

"No, I was actually wanting to hang out with you." He said smiling at me.

"Really now?" I asked with a smirk.

I was shuffling through the mail that had just placed there by the butler.

"Yeah, why don't you go get dressed?" He asked.

"You were serious?" I asked looking up for second and back down at the mail I ripped open.

"Yeah babe, I know I've been busy, but today I'm all yours." He replied smiling.

I looked up with a smile plastered on my face.

"Okay, I'll go get dressed."

I placed the bill on the table and walkers upstairs. As happy as I seem, I wasn't too happy. I wanted to spend my day with Onika, but right now I have to find myself.

I looked down at my phone as it ring in my hand. It was Onika. I declined her call and sighed.

"Soon I'll be able to explain to her why I wasn't able to talk." I mumbled to myself.

I looked through my clothes and found my black, leather shorts. I found my white blazer and my white tank top.i walked over to my hat section and grabbed my black hat. I did my makeup so that it look natural. I wasn't into the whole heavy makeup. It's no need for that. Once I was done, I used baby oil on my legs. I like oil better than lotion cause it lasts longer. Once I was done I walked into the bathroom and wand curled my hair. I grabbed my wig brush and brushed mostly all of the curls out. Now it was very lose curls.

I put my outfit on and along with my bluest greenish heels. I grabbed my black purse and walked downstairs. I saw Jay sitting in the same spot, but on his phone now.

"I'm ready." I smiled.

He looked up and smiled at me.

"You looked gorgeous." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled again.

He stood up and walked over to me.

"Let's go beautiful." He replied opening the door for me.

I blushed and walked out. We walked over to the car and we got inside. He started the Maybach, and backed out.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You'll see." He mumbled glancing at me and smiling a little.

Something was little off. It was like he was forcing himself to be around at the moment.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why you ask?" He questioned.

"You don't seem genuinely happy." I mumbled.

"I'm always happy around you." He replied rubbing my leg.

"You're barely around me." I mouthed to myself.

"Huh?" He asked looking over at me.

"Nothing, just thinking." I replied.

| Onika's Maraj's POV. |

I placed my phone on the bed and watched tv. I haven't talked to Bey since we had sex. I guess she didn't felt some type of way about the situation  and decided it was best she leave me alone. I can admit I was little upset that it went down like that. I mean this is a girl I wanted in my life more than anything. She was queen in my eyes, but I guess in here eyes.

"Onika, why you stressing?" My best best friend, Draya asked me.

"I'm not, I just wanna know if she's done with me. I caught feelings for that girl." I replied shoving my face in pillow and just staying there.

"Maybe, she just needs a breather. Was she bisexual at the time y'all did it?" She asked.

"No, I don't think so. I mean, but if she wasn't then we would've never took it that far." I replied climbing out of bed.

"She's probably bicurious." She replied laying down under my blanket.

I rolled my eyes at the action she just did and walked into the bathroom.

"It doesn't matter. If she calls then it is what it is. I'm done calling her." I mumbled walking into the bathroom.

"Onika don't give up. Y'all see the cutest couple." Draya said smiling.

"I want to go to the strip club, so I can take a bad bitch home." I smirked.

I climbed in the bed and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my Twitter  and saw someone tagged me in the a picture of Beyoncé and Jay. They were holding hands and kissing.

"Look at this shit Draya." I mumbled tossing her my phone and turning over.

"I can't believe it." She exclaimed.

"She used me; it's okay I'm used to getting fucked over." I mumbled.

I tried to play it off like I didn't care, but deep down I truly cared.

Woah! Everything was just going good, but don't worry.

Onika giving up?

Beyoncé hanging out with Jay?

-Maya ☺️💍

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