Chapter Sixteen

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's  POV. ~

"You and Onika date now?" Draya asked with a little confused looked.

"Uh yeah, we want to keep it low key though. Ya know?" I asked taking seat in the chair.

We were in Onika's dressing room talking. Draya seemed cool, but she was a little to touchy for my liking. Every now and then she would rub my leg, hug me, or smack my ass. I didn't really take it disrespectful because that's what friends do, right? But knowing Onika she wouldn't like it.

"I understand, we should hang out though." She smirked.

"I suppose." I replied with a smile.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" She smiled.

"Onika and I are spending whole day together. We are going on a date." I grinned at the thought.

"Hmm, tonight?" She asked.

"We are going to watch Netflix tonight."

"Next day after that." She smiled.

"Bet." I smiled.

Soon the door burst open, and Onika walks in, closing the door behind herself.

"What's going on back?" She asked looking at Draya and then me.

"Nothing much, just talking. Are y'all performing tonight? Draya smiled looking at her.

"You'll see. You aight baby?" She asked walking over to me.

"Yes baby, why wouldn't I?" I smiled pulling her down.

She didn't respond with words, but with a long, deep kiss. She slid her tongue into my mouth and fell into my lap. She moaned as I rubbed her ass. With eyes closed I could feel Draya's eyes on me. It was weird.

"You guys must of forgotten that you had company." Draya laughed.

We pulled away from the kiss and Onika smirked.

"I didn't forget."

I looked between them and they looked like they were talking with eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and stuck my hands in her pants.

"Is everything okay?" I asked feeling out of place.

"Everything's fine, I'll be going now." Draya said looking down.

"Bye Draya." I smiled and waved.

She smiled and waved back before walking out the room.

"Thank god she's gone." Onika rolled her eyes.

I pulled her attention back to me by kissing her neck, "Is everything fine with you two."

"Everything's fine." She murmured.

"You sure?" I asked looking at her as she starred off at something.

"Bey... We're fine." She replied sighing.

"Well, let's get ready where's your makeup people's?" I chuckled.

She looked at me and shrugged, "I don't know."

Something was off about Onika and Draya. When I first met Draya, Onika seemed to enjoy her company, but now she was irritated by her presence. I wanted to know what was going on, but she wouldn't tell me. I'll get out of her eventually.

~ Onika Maraj's POV ~

"Give up for the beautiful Beyoncé." I smiled.

She looked at and smiled, "Will talk show some love for my best friend with the fat ass?" She smirked gripping it.

I moaned into the microphone causing me to oohh. I laughed and hugged Bey.

"Goodnight y'all!" I yelled before the lights turned off and walking off the stage.

Tonight was filled with lots of love and affection from my fans and Bey. While performing it was hard to keep our hands off each other, but we managed. As we exited off the stage and into dressing room our hands were locked together.

"I had fun tonight." Bey smiled at me.

"I did too baby." I laughed.

I closed the door and locked it behind me. When I turned around I saw Bey stripping out of her clothes causing me to smirk. I stripped out of my clothes and pulled Bey off the couch.

"Onika what are you doing?" She giggled.

"We are taking a shower." I laughed.

"When we get to the hotel room, can we try something out?" She asked shyly.

"Like what baby?" I smirked closing the bathroom door us.

She turned the water on and left the lights off. She pulled me in the shower and close the glass shower door behind me. She cornered me in the corner.

"We can try here instead." She smirked before kissing my lips and massaging my clit.

I gasped in the kiss and she pulled away, "I want to please you like you please me."

I moaned at the amount of pleasure I was feeling at the moment.

"Lay on the floor." She whispered against my breast.

Before laying on the floor I looked at her and smiled. Her hair was dripping wet from the shower head that drenching her. She looked sexy.

I felt my nipple being sucked on and I moaned loudly. She gently bit and nibbled on it. She did each nipple and kissed my lips. She kissed my lips all the way to my naval. My pussy began to throb, knowing it was soon to be Locke viciously. She opened my legs and licked my clit slowly. My eyes instantly rolled to the back of my head. Her tongue felt so good and remember I haven't received head since Meek and we broke up 2 years ago.

She slowly pumped her fingers in and out of me as she still at my kitty. I moaned and gripped her head, telling her to go deeper.

"Oh Bey, keep going." I moaned lowly.

She sucked, fingered, and licked over and over again until I came three times. I guess she enjoyed it because she had seconds. She cleaned me up and sucked her fingers.

"You taste so good baby." She said before kissing my lips.

I kissed back and our tongue began to dance together. This girl was doing something me. I think I'm in love with her.

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