Chapter Seventeen

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

I stood in the kitchen cooking breakfast for Onika and I. Today was specially designed for Onika and I. I wanted to show her that I appreciate every thing she does for me. She's done a lot for and I I'm catching feelings. I don't know if it's love or what. But I know she means the world to me.

I turned over the last pancake and waited for it to finishing cooking. Before I could even blink I heard a know at the door. I placed my paper towel in the garbage and walked out. I looked through the peephole and sighed when I saw it was Draya. Silently praying in my head that no drama would go down, I slowly opened the door. She was dressed in sweats and tank top. She smiled at me and waved.

"Hey Draya, come on in." I smiled opening the door wider.

Walking in, she looked around and smirked, "Nice Room, good morning though."

"Thank you, come in the kitchen I'm cooking." I replied walking pass her.
I walked into the kitchen and rushed over to the pancake and quickly took it it out the pan. I placed it with the other the pancakes and rinsed the pan out.

"You look very... sexy." She whispered more to herself. "How'd you sleep?" She asked trying to start a conversation.

I ignored her first comment and answered her question.

"Good actually." I smirked at the events that took place. "What about yours?"

"Great, I had a dream." She smirked.

"Wanna talk about?" I asked pouring the eggs in the pan.

"No really, I'll tell you about it another time." She replied biting her bottom lip.

"Oh okay, so wassup?" I asked fixing Onika and I a plate.

"I came by to see how you was doing. Is Onika still sleep?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll tell her you stopped by." I chimed.

"I'm out, can I get a hug?" She asked shyly.

"Sure." I replied.

I gave her a hug and she gripped my ass. I groaned and back away, only to be pulled back. She kissed my cheek and moaned in my ear. I pulled away and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's your problem Draya?" I asked.

"I'll see you Bey." She smiled and waved.

I heard the front door slam and sighed. She took it a little to far with the hug, but me being me I didn't want to start any drama, so I wasn't going tell Onika. Hopefully Draya will stop and it won't get out of hand.

I placed the food and drinks a tray and walked to our room. I saw Onika was still sleep. I smiled to myself and placed the food on table by the bed. I climbed on top of Onika lap and straddled it. I bent down and kissed her lips. She stirred in her sleep and slowly opened we eyes. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey baby." She smiled.

"Hey babe." I grinned. "I cooked for us."

Her eyes lit up and she grinned, "I'm so hungry."

I handed her the tray with our plates she clapped her hands.

"It smells delightful." She said picking up her fork and digging in.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Oh god and it tastes good too!" She exclaimed.

I blushed at her liking my cooking.

Walking on the sand felt good. The whole I spent it with Onika. We didn't have to go on a fancy date or have sex. We just need to spend quality time together. We just just need to be in each other presence and it been enjoyable.

Swinging our hands back in front as we walked across the shore. I glanced at Onika, and she had a smile on her face. She was so beautiful, I just don't know how I lucked up and got with her.

"You so beautiful." I grinned.

She looked at me and smiled softly, "Thank you baby, you gorgeous.".

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her lips.

"Onika in this little bit of time we shared, I just need to tell you something. And it's okay if you don't feel the same, but I have to tell you." I breathed out. "I love you."

Her eyes lit up and she kissed my face all over. She then kissed my lips, "I love you too baby."

My heart warmed and my sped up. I can't believe it. I got my dream girl and I ain't letting her go.

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