Chapter Forty

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~ August Alsina's POV. ~

I was too late. I tried to push myself through the crowd as fast as I could, but I didn't move fast enough. I watched as Drake to the bullet right in his stomach. He was a real nigga. He jumped in front of the bullet for Onika, after Onika jumped in first of Bey.

Bey broke down into tears and ran over to Drake. The whole ran go the stage to see if he was okay. I couldn't even walk over to them. I watched as people flooded out of the exits and I slowly followed behind them.

I let me crew down, but I did for my family. They say blood's thicker than water. Did I do the right thing?

~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

I couldn't think straight. How could the best night of my life turn to the worst night of my life? My big brother was shot! He took a bullet for me as I took bullet for Beyoncé. All I try and think about who was behind it and was Drake okay.

"Are you hungry?" Chris asked looking at Bey and I.

Without looking at him, "I'm fine."

"Bey?" He asked.

"I'm a little. I don't have my wallet though. I took cash and I obviously ran out of bills." She grumbled.

I peaked at her and saw he hair was wild. She looked like she had sex with a beast.

As much as I wanted to laugh at my thought, I couldn't. I was way too upset and when I found out who did this it's going to be a problem.

"That's fine, I'll pay." Chris smiled down at her.

Chris, Red, and Drake were real ones. The only major male that was missing was August. I haven't talked to him in days, maybe he was really focused on his baby mother and his three nieces.

She smiled sluggishly and stood up slowly. She kissed my forehead and I sighed.

"I'll be back baby." She whispered.

Chris grabbed her hand and they walked out the waiting room. Pulling my phone out my pocket for the first time, I look at all of the notifications I have. I had a handful of text, tags on Instagram, and emails. Blogs were gossiping and talking about the Drake. All I wanted to know was who did this. Before the shot Drake, the bullet was aimed at Bey.

Wanye 😈❤️; Is my nigga good?

Birdman ✊🏾💖; Little nigga shot? 😁

Mommy 💘; What's wrong with Drake? Are you okay? Where's Bey? Chris? Red? Rihanna? Are y'all okay? Text back baby.

I didn't feel like texting back, so I locked my phone. Sighing in defeat, I laid my head on Amber warm shoulder. Everyone was sleep and had their arms around each other as we quietly waited for the doctors to rush out and say something.

I force myself to stay awake. I wasn't going to rest until I found out was my brother okay. He'd do it for me.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

"She's usually pretty strong, but I don't know about this one." I sighed looking out the window.

We was on out way to Wendy's. All of the other Wendy's were out of Frosty's, so we went all the way across town.

"Yeah, she's taking it a lot harder because she almost lost both of you." He sighed.

Both? I haven't even thought about it like that. The bullet was coming for me at first, but Onika jumped in front. I almost lost two of my peoples.

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