Chapter Thirty-Four

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

"Julez you sure you wanna ride this ride?" Onika asked him with a smile.

"Yeah, can you sit beside me?" He asked batting his long eyelashes.

"Yes baby of course. Come on Bey." She smiled and grabbed his hand.

Following them over to the rollercoaster, Onika seemed a little nervous. I was a daredevil, so this was a piece of cake to me.

"You okay Nika?" I smirked.

She looked up at me with a smile, "I'm fine. Y'all sure want to get on this right now?"

Laughing, "Yeah babe. Let's get on. The line is already short."

"I'm hungry." She blurted out.

"We can eat after the ride." I beamed.

She didn't say anything else, so I looked around. The park wasn't as full as I expected it to.

Soon we were strapped in the ride and Onika started freaking out.

"Babe, I love you." She said with a worried look on her face.

"Can you hold my hand?" Julez smirked.

She could barely laugh at his joke, "Hold my hand baby."

We both hold her hand and sighed. We were finally at the top, waiting for the bug drop.

"Lord forgive for all of my sins." She started to pray.

I laugh and soon we drop.

"I'm not getting on anymore rides." Onika mumbled eating her funnel cake.

I laughed and replied, "it's wasn't bad. The drop wasn't even that far."

"Yes it was, I thought I wS going to die." She muttered.

"Why you ain't just say you wanna get on the ride? Then I wouldn't have to hear this bullshit." I said licking my ice cream cone.

"I didn't think it was that scary." She replied with a shrug.

"Auntie Nika it wasn't even scary." Julez laughed.

"Yes it was boy." She giggled and played in his curls.

Unlocking my phone, I snap a picture of the two and post it on Instagram. Scrolling down my timeline, I see 'The Shade Room' posted a picture of Draya. After reading the article, I see that she was released. My heart started to race and so did my mind. What if she came back for me? She had a mental disorder, what if she decides to snap and come after me?

"Nika?" I mumbled wondering should I tell her right now.

"Yeah babe?" She answered before licking my ice cream.

Rolling my eyes and I responded, "Draya out."

Her eyes widened and then went back to regular size, "That's impossible, her bail was set for 100 thousand dollars."

"Babe, I'm serious. Someone paid it. She's out." I show her the picture.

She shoved my phone into my lap and shrugged, "It's nothing we can do babe. Let's pray she stays the hell away from us."

Nodding my head, we enjoy the rest of our day. We played games, won prizes, and rode rides while Nika stood off to the side and watch.

Now we were heading back to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we would be leaving and going back to California. The rest of the time I was going to chill, spend time with my friend and family, and my baby Onika.

"I'm glad I didn't wear heels today." I heard Onika mumbled as we stepped into the elevator.

"I bet you are." I smirked.

"You brought that heating pad, right?" She asked.

"You started?" I questioned helping Julez stand up straight.

He was half way sleep and I didn't want him to fall while the elevator was moving.

The doors opened and she nodded her head. I was off mine, so you know would be getting the kitty ate.

I walked Julez over to Solange's hotel room. Knocking lightly, I hear her footsteps approach the door. The door opened slowly and Solange was dressed in a shorts and a tank top. You could tell she was sleep, but she tried to play it off.

"Aww my baby is sleepy. Say goodnight to ya Aunts." Lange smiled.

He gave us both hugs, "Goodnight Auntie Bey and Auntie Nika."

"Goodnight baby." We smile.

He walked into the house and Lange pulled us into a hug.

"Bye babies. Thank you for taking him out." She smiled sheepishly.

"No problem baby sister. Plane leaves 9:30 in the morning." I reminded her before walking off.

The door closed and we get back on the elevator to the top floor for our penthouse. Walking inside, we strip out our clothes. Today was a fun yet tiring day.

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