Chapter Twenty-Four

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Opening my eyes and lifting my body. I groaned in pain. My head throb and my heart rate sped up. Looking around and I was in Onika's bedroom, but she was nowhere in sight. I searched around for my phone, but I couldn't find it.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked myself lowly.

I sighed and tried to think about what went door last night, but I couldn't. Nothing came up at all. I looked down at my tattoo and smiled. Hearing the door creak open, my head popped up and Onika came into the room slowly.

"Baby?" She croaked.

"Hey baby." I said smiling a little.

She walked over to me and caressed my cheek.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" She asked.

I shook my head and replied, "No, I was sitting trying to think."

"I brought you some pills and water bottle. I thought this would help out." She replied hanging me the items.

Tossing the pill in my mouth and flushing it down with water made my mouth moisten. My mouth was extremely dry for some odd reason.

"Baby what's been going on between you and Draya? Was there something you were hiding?" She asked looking me into my eyes.

"Baby, Onika! I wanted to tell you so bad. Trust me I did, but I could never find a way how to. She would touch my thigh, rub my ass, and o-one day." I choked up from the lump in my throat.

She wiped the tears from my face and kissed my lips, "Go on baby."

"She was drunk and she called me to pick her up from the club. She claimed she could've find a ride. I knew she wasn't trying, but I didn't want her to ride in the car with a taxi driver. He could've taken advantage of her because she was in the state. Anyways, she stripped in my car, grabbed my hand, and massaged her clit with my hand." I cried in her chest.

"Why did you tell me Beyoncé?" She asked with a change of tone in her voice.

Pulling my head away from her breast, I looked up and saw her jaw clenched. I was confused on why she was calling me by my government name.

"Talk Beyoncé! Why didn't I know anything about this? Why?" Her voice raised.

"I was scared! I didn't know what to do! Every time I tried, I couldn't tell you. I didn't know how you would respond, okay?!" I yelled and cried into her chest.

"You could've prevent yourself from getting raped last night baby! Chris and Red saved your life last night. Draya is a schizophrenic! She doesn't her meds most times. For all I know, she could've killed you." Onika cried.

"What! Chris saved my life? Draya schizophrenic? What happened last night." I gasped covering my mouth.

"Draya poisoned you! She took you to her house and tried to rape you. Chris and Red saved your life, by catching her and coming to get me. They told me you was in trouble, so I went to her house. I saw her slap you and I went off! I fucked her shit up. You don't remember anything?" She asked closing her eyes.

I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek.

"Beyoncé I don't know what I would do with out you. I was so scared. I couldn't even think straight baby." She tested up again.

"Stop crying baby. I thank god for you. Someone who truly love me. Thank you baby. I may not remember anything from last night, but you saved me. I love you so much." I smiled pulling her closer.

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