Chapter Twenty-One

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Since Jay and I broke up, he hasn't stopped calling. He would text me, email me, and get his friend to tell me to call me. What he didn't understand is that even we did talk it out, we wasn't getting back together. Our relationship was completely destroyed and do with. He must not understand that I moved on and since he has a child he should too.

I walked out of the nail salon with Kelly and Michelle. I haven't talked to them in a while and it was bugging me. These were my best friends and to not talk them in three weeks, felt like years to me.

We decided that we stay out of the public eye and kick it like we used in high school. Lord knows I needed to tell them a whole lot and get it off of my chest. If I couldn't talk to my sister, I damn sure was gonna talk to my best friends about my problems.

"I'm hungry." Michelle groaned rubbing her stomach with her freshly pink acrylic nails.

"Shit who is you telling?" Kelly asked fastening her seatbelt.

"Let's go to a pizza shop." I suggested starting the car.

"Where's the go ones at like the ones in NewYork?" Michelle asked.

"There's one downtown, right across the street from Wawa." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"That's the hood Bey, what do you know about that?" Kelly asked furrowing her eyebrows together.

"Red took me down here for some Chinese food last week." I giggled.

"Thought you was too classy to be down there?" She smirked.

"You know Jay told her that bullshit. Hanging downtown isn't ghetto." Michelle said from that back.

"Who's Red anyways? And what's this shit I hear about you and Jay broke up?" Kelly asked looking at me.

Merging into the left lane, I collected my thoughts and responded, "Red is Chris Brown cousin and because we did. I have so much to tell y'all, but Im going to tell you later."

"I wanna know now!" Michelle exclaimed from the backseat.

"Please Bey, tell us." Kelly begged.

My phone rang interrupting me as I was about to answer Kelly. I picked my phone up and saw it was Jay. I declined his call and blocked him. I was sick of him calling me over and over again. Hopefully now that he can't call me back, he'll get the message.

"Who was that?" They asked in unison.

"Jay." I murmured.

"Why can't you tell us?" Michelle asked.

"I'll tell y'all at the pizza shop." I replied.

Soon we pulled up at the pizza shop. I was hungry, but not too hungry. I could go for at least two slices of pizza. We got out the car and walked into the building.

I felt someone poke my butt which caused me to turn around quickly.

"Damn Bey, this ass got fatter. If Jay ain't hitting it, who is?" Kelly asked.

I smirked, then chuckled.

"Who's hitting Bey?" Michelle asked smirking.

I didn't answer and the man approached us.

"Hello ladies, how many seats do y'all need?" The white man asked with a smile.

"Just three." I replied sweetly.

He nodded and motioned for us to follow him. We followed and soon was seated at in a booth.

"Thank you." We said.

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