Chapter Thirty-Nine

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~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

3 days later

Tomorrow was the OVO fest and couldn't any hyper. I was excited to perform, drink, smoke, and just enjoy time with the crew.

"Bae you almost done packing?" I asking after biting into my sandwich, and entering the room.

Her beautiful room was not junking and filled with clothes scattered with clothes across the floor.

I shook my head already knowing her answer.

"Yeah almost. I'm looking for my 11's though." She sighed.

I looked near the bed and saw her 11's placed neatly against the wall. Shaking my head and giggling, "Baby there right here."

She looked at me and stood up. Poking her head out, she groaned.

"What the fuck? I torn my room up for nothing." She mumbled.

I giggled and sat on the bed watching her clean up. I smiled as she pulled her hair out her face.

"Babe, do I have something in my eye?" She asked walking over to me, with wide eyes.

I looked in bot eyes and didn't see anything, "Nah babe, you don't have anything in there."

She nodded and grabbed my waist. I instantly dropped my bag of chips and looked in her eyes.

"I miss touching you." She whispered with a smile.

Giggling, "I miss your hands on me."

She pushed me back and climbed on top of me. I smirked knowing what was about to go down.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Landing in Toronto with the crew was amazing. The fest started at 6pm, which was four hours from now.

"Ass getting fatter bae." I heard Onika say in my right ear.

Her voice caused chills to go through me.

"Really now?" I smirked, looking back at her.

She ran up to me and attacked me with kisses. I laughed and turned around kissing her lips.

"Now this that I like to see." I heard Chris say.

I laughed and pulled away. Onika gripped my hand and smiled at me.

"I'm so happy that be with you." She purred.

"I love you baby." I giggled.

"Okay, we are heading to hotel. Everyone needs to meet at the fest at 5:15." Drake explained.

We all nodded and everyone looked at Onika and I.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Especially Bey and Nika." Chris smirked.

Smacking her lips, "Oh shut up. We don't even take that long."

"When y'all sexing y'all do." Rihanna laughed and gripped Chris's waist tighter.

Waving them off, I had over to my über, "I'll see y'all."

Onika and I climbed into the über while Red and Drake placed our luggage in the back.

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