Chapter Twelve

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Bae 😈💍; I'm at the airport see you in 20 😘

I rolled my eyes and sat back. I was really missed Onika. I haven't seen her 3 days due to the fact she is traveling out to Miami for a free show. She invited me to go, but I wasn't sure wig I was going. I decided not to go to the ball room dinner, I didn't feel like it. I'll make it up some other time.

"Hey baby." Jay smiled taking his shades off.

"Hi Jay." I replied bluntly and reaching into the bag of chips.

I took a handful and shoved them in my mouth. I watched as he took a seat beside me.

"How was the business trip?" I asked him.

"G-great." He sighed.

"So how long you'll be home before you go on your next one? I asked sarcastically.

He chuckled, "I'll be here for a little while enough time for us to spend time together and for me to hit the studio."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes.

He looked at me and rolled my leg, "Did you miss me?"

"Nah not really." I replied.

"What?! Why not?" He asked looking at me.

"I mean we don't hang out, I'm pretty much use to it." I sighed.

"We can hang out tomorrow." He smiled.

"I'm going out of town."

"To where? With who? For what?" He asked frantically.


"I saw y'all have been getting pretty close. Y'all developing a bond or a best friend thing?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe more than that. I'll see you later, I'm going to sleep in the guest room." I mumbled.

I didn't even want to sleep in the same bed as him. I know his cheating, I could really bet anything on it.

"The guest room?" He asked.

I nodded and walked out. I jogged up the stairs. I walked into my room grabbed me a thong, thong, and my scarf, and walked out. I walked into the guest room and locked the door. I threw my phone on the bed and walked into the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my face, and did my face mask for my skin. I walked out and decided to FaceTime Onika. She answered almost immediately.

"Hey girly." She laughed.

"Hey Onika." I smiled.

"You decided to do the mask thing I told you about." She smiled.

"Yeah, hopefully it works." I smiled.

"I suggested it, you really don't need it. You have beautiful skin." She smiled.

"Thank you baby. Guess who's home?" I said taking my towel off.

"Jay?" She asked.

I nodded and she sighed, "I guess I won't see you for a good while."

"What? No, I'm going to Miami with you. This will be like a mini vacation for us."

She smiled and then it turned into a smirk, "Where's you clothes at?"

"I took a shower, I only have on a thong on now." I smirked.

"Should I come through?" She asked laughing.

"Yeah mami." I smiled.

I really could care less if Jay was here while Onika was fingering me. I would actually be happy.

"I don't have time to hear his mouth, Imma call you in the morning, okay." She yawned. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight baby." I smiled and pressed the end button.

I couldn't really sleep. I was stressed and anxious. Then I remembered Draya gave me that blunt. I pulled it out of my purse and grabbed a match. I lit the blunt and put the match out. I placed it to my lips and exhaled deeply. I let it flow through my nose and laid back as I let my highness began. I never used to do weed until I started stressing out. I could do this on a regular basis.

"Baby?" I heard as someone shook me.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. Onika standing there with a big smile.

"Hey baby, your eyes are red." She said climbing on my lap.

"Hey babe, lemme brush my teeth." I mumbled.

I climbed out of bed and my eyes were blood shot red. Damn that weed ain't no joke. I shrugged and grabbed my toothbrush. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

"You should think about a belly piercing." Onika said sliding her hands up and down my hips.

"I guess." I replied.

"You know Jay's gone, right?" She replied smiling and kissing my neck.

"He is?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, I miss you." She smiled.

"I miss you too baby." I smiled turning around and facing her.

She looked sexy in the leggings and sports bra she had on.

I licked my lips and said, "Come here."

She did her slow sexy walk and smiled.

"What do you want?" She said standing over me and looking down at me.

"A sloppy kiss and some head." I smiled.

"Well come here." She said yanking my face to hers.

I moaned and grinned to myself knowing that I would with her all day.

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