Chapter Eighteen

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Hearing my phone ring for the fifth time tonight was annoying me. It was damn near 4 in the morning and I was exhausted from the activities that just took place a few hours ago. I snatched my phone off the nightstand and placed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I whisper yelled.

In the background I heard loud music blasting. I pulled the phone away from my ear and saw it was Draya. I sighed and placed it back to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked again.

"Bey... baby Bey I n-n-need a ride from the club." Draya slurred her speech.

It was obvious that she had one too many drinks.

"I'll be there. Wait outside and not on a dark alley, somewhere well lit." I mumbled and climbed out of bed.

"Anything you for daddy." She breathed out softly.

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I hung. I couldn't leave her out there. She was a friend of mine and Onika. Suppose something happened to her.

I grabbed my Soffe shorts along with my tank top. I put the items on and grabbed my phone. I walked out and softly closed the door behind me. I didn't want to wake Onika. She was tired and wasn't herself when she was.

Soon I pulled in front of the club and climbed out of the car. I saw Draya sitting on the ground playing with rocks, like a little child. Shaking my head, I walked over to her and helped her up.

She smirked at me and responded, " Thank god my queen came to save me."

".... Yeah." I replied helping her off the ground, but she kept stumbling to the ground.

I helped her into the car and strapped her in. She grabbed my face roughly and smiled at me. Our faces were inches apart and I could smell the Patron on her breath.

"I wanna kiss you so bad. You so damn sexy." She whispered closing her eyes and gripping my face tighter.

She was starting to hurt me, so I popped her hand.

"Stop that shit, you're drunk Dray." I said slamming her front door.

I breathed in and huffed loudly, knowing this would be a hard time getting her back to the hotel. Climbing into the car and starting it. I felt a warm, soft hand rubbing my exposed thigh. I looked over and saw Draya smirking at me.

"Bey fuck with me. I can treat you so much better. I'll give you head, sex you up, massage you, call you beautiful, and pretty much everything." She paused and bit her lip. As I merged in to the left lane, she pulled her dress off.

"Pull your clothes on Draya!" I shouted.

I was highly disrespected and I didn't like it one bit.

"Shh." She said grabbing my hand.

She placed it on her throbbing clit and moaned. I quickly pulled away and huffed.

"I ain't playing with ya Draya. I'm in a relationship, okay? I love her. Put ya damn clothes." I yelled jerking my hand out of her cookie jar.

She smirked and kissed my cheek, "It's all for you daddy... anytime."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. I regretting getting her because in some way I have to find a way to tell Onika. Knowing her, this was going to be World War 3 and it was going to be pretty.

I groaned as I climbed out the bed. Looking at the clock it was 8am and it was time for us to board the plane in 30 minutes. I slowly sat up and closed my eyes at the amount I sunlight that was bothering my eyes.

"Baby?" Onika questioned with her eyes closed. "You getting ready?"

"I will be in a few." I grumbled.

"You seem grumpy? What's ya problem?" She asked opening her eyes.

The sunlight coming through the window peered into her eyes causing them to turn light brown. She blinked and I smiled at her. She looked gorgeous without makeup, like a fucking goddess.

"Nothing baby, I didn't get much sleep." I replied climbing out of bed.

"Because you wasn't in the bed." She giggled.

Praying to god she didn't ask anymore question, I walked into the bathroom. I did my regular morning routine and walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist. As I walked into the bedroom, I saw Onika eating Mc Donald's breakfast.

"Who brought that?" I asked.

"Draya." She shrugged.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just not." I shrugged.

I wasn't eating anything from Draya. Something is seriously wrong with him. Shit she might try to poison my ass into  fucking her.

"You good baby?" She asked softly.

"I'm fine."

She walked over to me and kiss my lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I smiled instantly wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you baby." She smirked.

"I love you too bae." I nuzzled my head into her neck.

Only thing I could think about is how the fuck I was going to tell Onika about Draya. I didn't want a fake ass friend to be with Onika, so soon or later I had to tell her. That's what a good girlfriend would do.

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