Chapter Thirty-Six

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~ Draya Michelle POV. ~

The man has been calling me week, but I fixed his ass by changing my number. I was seriously when I said I wasn't participating in killing Bey. I actually need to get in contact with her, but she doesn't answer. I even called Onika, but she changed her number.

"Cozzo?" I yelled from the couch.

"What Draya?" She yelled back.

I was ready to get out this house and live life again. I only have a month until my court date and I want to enjoy my time.

"Let's go shopping in Hollywood." I shrugged.

Peeking her head out the kitchen, "I thought yo ass wants to lay low."

"I do, but I want some clothes."

She shook her head, "No, come on we can go to the mall up the street."

Rolling my eyes, I hold back my temper and close my eyes. Hopefully she doesn't ask did I take my medicine because I didn't take it at all.

"I don't want to go there. Damn, just come on. I'm driving." I mumbled grabbing her keys.

She slid her Jordan's on and looked at me with a weird look. I mugged her and watched out the front door. Fuck she looking at me like that. Pressing the button, the car doors unlocked. After she locked the front door, she joined me and we sped off.

It felt so good to see the city and drive again. I hated being locked up or having to stay away from my house, but he's crazy and I don't want to be added to the list.

"Lord please don't let me run into him, but let me run into Bey. I just want to talk to her and try and safe her life.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

"Baby I love shopping, but I'm hungry Bey. Can we please get something to eat?" Nika whined as we walked into PINK.

"Last store and we will get something to eat." I promised.

"Hell no! I'm leaving shop by ya damn self." She said seriously.

Batting my eyelashes cutely, she blushed and looked down.

"Ooh baby, you want to shop some more?" She smiled.

Nodding my head and smiling, "Yeah babe."

Smirking and laughing, "Well you can do it by yourself. I'll be in the food court." She walked off.

Rolling my eyes, I follow behind her.

"Babe?" I asked catching up behind her.

"I though you would follow me." She laughed as we entered into the food court.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced at the Subway sign. I smiled knowing what I wanted it.

"Let's get Panda Express!" She cheered.

I shook my head no, "I want Subway."

"Fine, lets go." She sighed.

We stood in the line and talked until we got to the cashier. We told her what we wanted and paid for our food. Taking a seat, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. Looking around, I couldn't find anyone.

"You aight baby?" Onika asked looking at me weirdly.

"I'm fine." I mumbled before biting into my tuna fish sandwich.

Suddenly a ringing phone broke the comfortable silence and I looked at Onika. She slowly pulled her phone out of her pocket and rolled her eyes at the name. She declined the call and continued eating her sandwich.

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