Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Sitting in the lobby while Onika got the key was long and stressful. Everything seemed to just not work out and I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry, but the we need an ID to sign this room over to you." The lady said for the third time.

Sick of hearing this bullshit, I stood up and walked over to her thinking about decking her in her face.

"Listen baby girl, I need my key for my room. I ain't got time for this shit. I shown you my ID and you ain't give me my key. Where's your manager? Someone that speaks English?" I yelled trying to hold myself back from hiring her in her face.

I could feel the cramps in my starting to knot up. My period was about to start and I wasn't the best friend while on my period.

I watched as the lady hurried off to get the manager. Rolling my eyes in disgust I turned to Onika, who was looking at me surprised.

"Where's my sweetie pie Bey at?" She asked giggling.

"My period is about to start and I need to get some tampons." I sighed shaking my head.

"Go to the bathroom real quick, they have some for a few quarters." She said pointing to the bathroom.

"I'll be back." I mumbled.

Walking into the bathroom, I slid two quarters in and twisted the knob. The tampon fell into my hand and hurried to a empty bathroom stall.

Finishing my business I walked out the stall and washed my hands. A gurl with long black hair, bright pink lipstick, and long nails was taking pictures. She popped her gum as she snapped another picture. Rolling my eyes at her ghettoness, I grabbed a paper and dried my hands.

Walking out, I saw Onika taking a picture with a fan. I smiled at her niceness and walked over.

"Oh my god! I get to see both of my faves in one day. Can I please have a picture?" The girl nearly shouted.

"Of course babes." I giggled.

I take the picture with her and get on the elevator with Onika. She threw he back and sighed.

"Bitches at the front desk gave us a hard ass time." She muttered.

"I know." I mumbled lowly.

"Let's order everything off the menu and pig out tonight. Tomorrow's your shoot?"

Nodding my head knowing I told her this already, "Yes babe."

"Well Drake was telling me about the OVO feast he's planning. He wants both of us to perform." She smiled with her closed

"That seems fun. I can do it." I replied.

Her eyes closed she laughed her head on my shoulder. The doors 'ding' as the doors open. We walked out and rushed over to our room. Quickly rushing in, we stripped out of our clothes and went to bed. Lord only knows how tired we are.

~ Draya Michelle's POV. ~

"You understand what you been charged with, right?" The officer asked me.

"Uh yeah." I mumbled.

Today I was being released from the hospital and my first day in jail. I wasn't really scared of jail. Only that really goes down in jail is raping and I didn't mind raping a girl. I just can't believe I let Bey slip through my fingers. She would've been that night, but I won't be in jail for long. My lawyer says top is five years and I'll be back for her.

"What's this bullshit about sending me to institution?" I spat eyeing all three of the officers.

"There wasn't enough evidence to support you didn't take your medicine, so we can't send you off there." Officer Robinson explained.

Smirking, "That's fine. Any cute bitches in jail?"

~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

The photoshoot wrapped up and were walking out the building. My baby's pictures were so sexy and open. I can't explain it, but I enjoyed it.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.

August 😌❤️; Where you at?

- I'm in Paris boy.

August 😌❤️; Why you ain't tell me? I could've came.

- Because I wanted Bey and I to spend time together.

August 😌❤️; oh 😒, bye ✌🏾️

Scrunching my face, I texted him back and locked my phone.

"Fuck you doing ya face like that?" Bey asked as we got in car.

"Because of a text." I muttered.

"Oh, from who?" She asked with a jealously laced in her voice.

Rolling my eyes and giggling, "August."

She doesn't respond, but only looks out the window. I huff and move closer to her. I pull her back over to me and kiss her lips.

"You mad at me?" I asked her climbing onto her lap.

She shook head no, but I knew she was lying. I could tell by her actions.

"Talk to me baby." I suggest wanting to hear her voice.

"What do we have talk about?" She spat.

"Life boo. What's your biggest dream?" I asked trying to hear her angelic voice more.

"To take over to world." She laughed, "Nah, but for real own my own record label."

"Really?" I asked her with a smile.

"Yup." She replied with a shrug.

"You could do it to baby, I believe in you." I smiled playing in her hair.

She doesn't respond, but she only looks at her phone.

"Babe?" I hear her voice call out.

"Wassup baby?"  I questioned still playing in her hair.

"Jay's been texting me and calling me recently." She said looking down.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I replied, "Why the fuck is he texting you?"

"He wants me to come back. He apologizes for everything he did to me. He says that we can start a family together..." She trails off.

"You're not going back to him, right?" I asked her raising my voice a little.

"No baby, I love you. We can start our family,  right?" She asked me smiling.

"You already know." I smiled kissing her lips.

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