Chapter Thirty

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Walking into the house, I hear Onika and August talking in the kitchen. I really didn't like him. He so rude and disrespectful. I can't believe Onika really didn't see it.

I follow their voices and see them sitting on the couch with Muva and Rochelle.

"Hey guys." I smile and then glance at August.

He looked up at me with a smile. Why the hell didn't he mug me? Wait, why was he even here? Raising my eyebrow, "Hey August."

"Wassup Bey?" He smirked.

I sit on Amber lap and kiss her cheek. I missed her so much. She was like a second sister to me. Amber had my back all the time.

"I missed you bitch." I laughed.

"I missed you too baby." She laughed and hugged me back.

"Rihanna wants us to come to the studio. Chris and her made a new song." Rochelle said.

"Oh god. Why?" Onika laughed.

She was high and slightly drunk and I could tell by her red eyes, and the drink that was nearly gone in her hand. August helped her up, so I decided to stepped in.

"I got her damn." I mumbled pushing pass him.

"Bey I don't want her anymore. I gotta a baby mama now. Ya girl just helped me realize I should focus on that." He laughed.

"My girl shouldn't have to tell you that. You a real nigga right?" I eyed him as we walk out the door.

"Will y'all stop fussing please? My head hurts." Onika said.

"Then take yo ass to sleep." I said.

"I don't want to!" She sassed.

"Go get in the damn car."

"Can we ride by ourselves?" She smirked.

"Yeah, go get in a a car." I laughed locking up the house.

After I finish I see the Audi started, so I guess this is the car she wanted to drive. Walking over to the driver side, I see her in the driver seat.

"Babe you can't drive, you drunk." I laughed.

"Baby, I'm not drunk! Please, I can drive." She laughed and almost sipped her drink on her.

"Onika you are not about to kill me. Move over to the passenger seat." I said seriously because she almost spill liquor on my leather seats.

"Why you gotta be so mean?" She hugged climbing over.

"Why you gotta be so damn hard headed?" I asked backing out the driveway.

She didn't answered except laughed.

"Play some music." She nearly shouted.

"Onika, do I need to take yo ass home?" I asked because she was starting to get on my nerves.

"No babe, why you being mean?" She whined. "It's hot baby."

She started to take her clothes off and tossed them around the car. Pulling over to the side on the highway, I turned the car off.

Directing my attention to Onika, "What the hell is your problem?"

"I just want you to hold me." She mumbled climbing over to me.

"Onika I have to drive." I said feeling her hands on my breast.

"Touch me." She whispered.

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