"I'm stuck in a fucking tree"

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Mersadez P.O.V.

It's 6:37 pm, and i'm stuck in a fucking tree. Lets go over how I exactly got here.
Hayes wanted to do something fun today, so he suggested we go deer hunting. I don't even know why because we're only 15, and you have to be 18.

Anyway, we went into the woods and then I hear Hayes, "Oww, fuck!" "what did you do now Hayes?" "I stepped on a fucking tree branch!" I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking. Hayes was way behind me, and he was trying to catch up to me.

"Why don't we go over here and wait for a deer?" I replied with okay, and there we  were sitting in the grass with our camouflage suits on, (I look hot in a camo suit btw ;)) waiting for a deer.

5 hours past and we did not see one fucking deer in sight. "Hayes" I whispered, "can we leave now? We've been here for like 7 hours!" He said yes, so we started to pack up and leave, and then we were backing back to the main sight, when Hayes stopped dead in his tracks.

"uh, Hayes, what are you looking at?" I was behind him because, well, he shoved me behind him.

"Mersadez fucking run!" "what?!" "just fucking run as fast as you can, okay?!" So, I ran as fast as I could, not even knowing where I was going. I looked back and seen a fucking black bear. Hayes was right by it too. That fucking dumby better be running with me! Well, I know that black bears can climb trees, but I don't care, i'm climbing it anyway.

I looked out from this tree to see Hayes trying to fight the fucking bear ._. What the hell Hayes. What is there to do while you're stuck in a tree hiding from a bear? Hmm. I'll text Johnson and tell him this current situation 😂😂

To: Oso savage Johnson

Yooo Johnson. Me and Hayes are kinda stuck in a tree hiding from a black bear..

I sent the message, and not more than 2 minutes later he called me me on the phone:

Johnson: Where the fuck are you?! Are you okay?! Where is Hayes?! We're on our way up there!

I didn't even have time to say anything because he hung up on me..well I guess he'll be here soon.
I waited for another maybe half hour (the bear had left but I was kinda scared to get down from the tree bc it was higher than what I was used to when I climb trees..) and Johnson and the rest of the boys were here, and Nash & Matthew did not look happy..AT ALL.

Nash seen Hayes, and Nash grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "what the fuck were you thinking?! You could've gotten our baby sister killed! When we get back home you're gonna be in so much trouble!"

In the mean time while this was happening, Matthew was talking to me, but I wasn't even in the slightest bit interested, because I was focused on Nash & Hayes' conversation.

"Mersadez, are you listening to me..?" "uh yeah.." Matthew didn't seem to convinced. "I asked if you were okay," he laughed. "yeah, I'm fine. Just a small cut from climbing up the tree is all" I starting walking away from Matthew, and towards Johnson & Gilinsky.

I laughed, and spoke to them. "well today has been eventful, and I just realized how many adventures we really go on, and how much trouble we get into"

Gilinsky walked up behind me, and put his arms around my waist. I was sort of taken back, but continued to let him do so, because then I thought this would make Matthew mad.

Johnson had begun speaking to me, "yeah, kiddo, we go on crazy adventures, but it's all about being young and living life to the fullest before we all grow old" I smiled at him, and looked away.

I seen Matt not so far off into the distance looking at me and Gilinsky like he was about to kill us. We made eye contact, and Matt started to walk toward us with a smirk on his face.


Gilinsky's P.O.V.

I had put my hands around Mersadez waist, and was listening to her talk to Jack J. Not so long after, Matt had seen the way me & Mersadez were, and walked over to us with a smirk on his face.

"Sooo, Mersadez, you have yourself a new boy?" I hinted some jealousy in his voice.

"No, actually I don't Matt, why, you jealous?" Mersadez said with a smirk on her face.

"blaaah" Matt stuck his tongue out which I thought was funny, so I laughed 😂

Then suddenly, Matt grabbed me by the collar of my shirts and sort of dragged me behind a bit.

"Listen, Gilinsky, I love you like a brother and all, but stay away from MY girl. She's mine. Not yours, MINE."

I laughed, and said "I know she is, jeez Matt, I was just messing around, I only put my hands on her waist to see if you were going to say anything, and I guess I was right"

Matt blushed and said "ohh". 😂😂

We both walked back over to Mersadez, then we all got into the car to go home.


Mersadez P.O.V.

I was sitting next to Nash on the car ride home, and he still seemed pissed off, so I decided to poke his cheek. 😂

Nash snapped at me, "Don't fucking touch me!" Zayumm someone's got an attitude..

I started laughing, and soon enough so did Nash. "YASS I MADE NASH LAUGH!! THAT'S AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!" I was literally all happy because I made Nash laugh 😂😂

Then Hayes decided to jump into this "heyyy, making me laugh isn't an accomplished?" Then he looked really sad so I decided to make him laugh too. I was just being my stupid self, and poking his cheek like I did to Nash, and soon enough he started laughing 😂

We got home, and somehow I turned into a little ball of energy thanks to Nash giving me candy while we were in the car "NASHH I NEED MORE CANDYYY"

"Nope, no more candy for youuuu"

"Fine. Whatever I'll just die by not being able to eat candy" Nash just laughed and looked away from me.

I walked to the couch, and turned on the tv, to Beyond Scared Straight. I remember my mom talking about putting me on the show like a year or 2 ago. Ahhh the fetus days were the daysss.

I then felt the couch dip down, but I didn't even bother to look at the person because I was so focused on the show. Then I had that feeling that they were looking at me, so I turned to them, and it was Cameron, who I haven't seen in at least a couple weeks.



I gave him a huge hug, and told him how I missed him 😏. He's been gone on trips and everything, and planning another tour..👀 

"I missed you Cammy bearr"

"I missed you tooo mersadezzz"

I still don't think he's found a nickname for me..oh whale 🐳.

"oohhh you's a hoeee" my phone had been ringing and I picked up my phone to see the caller ID; Emma cakes (idk, Emma if you're reading this Irdk what to put 😂😂)

Anyway, I picked up the phone, and talked to her, she'll be home in 2 days from touring with Taylor!! 🎉🎊 

After I talked to Emma, I went back to talking to Cameron, and watching Beyond Scared Straight, before heading to sleep.


A/N hey guys I'm back! Omg I'm sooo sorry it's been 2 months!! I had severe writers block, but somehow i came up with this! Anyway, I have something serious to ask of you guys..

If you guys want to know what I look like..

You have to give me 10 comments and 40 votes..

Only because..

I hate the way I look :/..

No, i'm not doing this for comments and votes either..

I just don't feel good about my appearance..


Anyway, goodnight guys, I love you, 😊😘

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