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A/N This update is super short, I know! But this is just a little filler for what is coming up next!

~ Matt's P.O.V. ~

I was walking somewhere, where? I don't even have a fucking clue, I'm just extremely dizzy, and I feel trippy. I'm hungry, and I kept laughing and I don't even know why. Haha ohhh wait I know where I'm going, homeeee!

I got home and I walked to the fridge to get something to eat, and I dropped food all over the floor. What the fuck I'm hungry. All the sudden i hear a switch turn on, and there's Taylor looking at me all wide eyed and suspiciously.

"Matt? Have you been smoking weed?"

I put my fingers up to my mouth and whispered "shhh". Taylor face palmed and I started laughing hysterically.

"you're definitely high, man. You better go to bed before your girlfriend comes down here and yells at you."

 "let me least eat something" Taylor stayed in the kitchen in me, while I was trying to find my other piece of pizza, because I dropped the other piece on the floor.

I couldn't find the piece of pizza and I started crying.

"woah, man, what's wrong now?"

"someone ate my fucking pizza!" I screamed out and sat on the kitchen floor, crying my eyes out.

Soon enough I started laughing and walked up the stairs into one of the rooms.


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