Aries:Legit raging at the fax machine
Taurus:Just counting down the moments to break because there is a burrito bowl in the office kitchen with their name on it
Gemini:"Okay, Who should I fuck with next? What is that brain? Delete all of Melvin's work? Perfect."
Cancer:Glaring at the boss every time he walks by because he made them do unpaid overtime
Leo:isn't even working half the time
Virgo:Employee of the month and they have no idea why cuz they're just trash
Libra:Devising a plan to kill the boss
Scorpio:Passively raging at their problematic cubicle-mate
Sagittarius:The one that saves all of their vacation days to go traveling somewhere crazy for like two months
Capricorn:Already done with the other employees shit before they walk in
Aquarius:The closest thing you'll get to Dwight Schrute from the office
Pisces:These mofos brought their "special" Brownies to the office party