Aries: Mad Men
Taurus: Suits
Gemini: Parks and Rec
Cancer: Orphan Black
Leo: How I Met Your Mother
Virgo: Game of Thrones
Libra: House of Cards
Scorpio: Orange Is the New Black
Sagittarius: Daredevil
Capricorn: Breaking Bad
Aquarius: The Walking Dead
Pisces: American Horror Story
The Signs As TV Shows
Aries: Mad Men
Taurus: Suits
Gemini: Parks and Rec
Cancer: Orphan Black
Leo: How I Met Your Mother
Virgo: Game of Thrones
Libra: House of Cards
Scorpio: Orange Is the New Black
Sagittarius: Daredevil
Capricorn: Breaking Bad
Aquarius: The Walking Dead
Pisces: American Horror Story