The signs on a field trip to the museum

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Aries: *sees "do not touch sign"* *touches everything*

Taurus: *waits all day for lunch*

Gemini: *runs excitedly to see all the displays*

Cancer: *sobs* these people didn't deserve to die

Leo: *runs into gift shop*

Virgo: Did you guys know Abraham Lincoln is my great great great great great great great great grandfather?

Libra: Oh. My. God. Guys, this one of Napoleon's button from his left sleeve from 1769.

Scorpio: lol look at all these dead people

Sagittarius: *accidentally gets lost from their chaperone*

Capricorn: Ugh, when is this over?

Aquarius: *tries to start World War III*

Pisces: *accidentally spills drink on important displays*

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