Aries: Getting annoyed because Virgo keeps telling them to repaint their section after making small mistakes
Taurus: On break; taking a nap in the corner
Gemini: Keeps finding random things to do so they don't have to work; spends roughly thirty minutes painting...out of eight hours
Cancer: Low key wishes they could take a nap like Taurus; afraid to ask Capricorn because they don't want to get yelled at
Leo: Decided to wear nice clothes, which are soiled after Aries throws their brush at the bucket and paint is splattered everywhere; left to change their clothes, never came back
Virgo: The inspector of progress; they technically could fix the mistakes themselves, but the rise they're getting out of Aries grants them personal satisfaction; almost gets mad at Aquarius for not following directions, but then notices the mural looks pretty awesome
Libra: Figures the heat can get a little distracting; brought everyone bottles of water, two for Aries because they need to calm the fuck down
Scorpio: It's their room; the signs (forcefully) offered to repaint it because the original look was very cryptic and creeped them out
Sagittarius: Painting curse words on the wall and then painting over them whenever Capricorn or Virgo comes around
Capricorn: It was their idea to repaint the room, plus they're paying everyone for their contribution; yells at Aries for wasting more than half of the paint
Aquarius: Paints a mural of The Little Mermaid after getting high off of the paint fumes, then, decides to paint Pisces blue so they can look like the Smurfs
Pisces: One of the only signs actually working; for some reason, the feeling of Aquarius painting their skin makes them happy, on top of that, they love the Smurfs