1: The Boy Next Door

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"Ha! I win!" My little brother, Carter threw the game controller on the hardwood floor in victory.

I rolled my eyes. The reason why my little brother, Carter is doing his lame little victory dance in the middle of the living room is because he just beat me in a game of Call of Duty. I stared at him as he danced in front of my face. I smiled innocently at Carter and got off the couch. I pushed Carter on the floor and he started screaming. "Ahhh!!!! Mommy!!" He screamed.

My mom walked in the living room from the kitchen and looked at Carter as he squirmed on the floor like a little worm having an aneurysm.

"What?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"Mel pushed me!!"

I groaned in annoyance. My mom sighed and looked at me. "Mel. You know I don't have time for this!" She said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I waved my mom off and went upstairs to my room. I glared at my big brothers closed door as he blasted his music.

I ignored it and went to my room and closed the door.

Now, let me introduce myself... Ahem... My name is Melody (I go by Mel) Christianna Alonzo. I was born in Spain. I lived in Spain with my mom, dad, and big brother, Nick for five years. When I was five, and my mom was pregnant with my rat of a little brother, Carter, we moved to America for a better lifestyle.

We moved into a beautiful home in Aspen, Colorado. I started going to an elementary school called Aspen Academy. I was in kindergarten. I thought that life would be perfect in Colorado, well that was until I met two jerks.

Their names were Michael Richards and Dylan Jackson. They were both best friends. They were also both two little assholes that I hated with a very strong passion. A couple months later, I learned that Dylan lived in my neighborhood. That was a breath of fresh air (note my sarcasm).

But I basically had to deal with Michael and Dylan from kindergarten to fifth grade (which were the worst freaking years of my life). But in middle school, both of them went to different schools as me, and I was over the moon happy that I didn't have to deal with them anymore. And even though Dylan still lived in my neighborhood, I was still happy that I didn't have to deal with him in school anymore.

Aside from those jerks, my family...is kind of normal. My big brother, Nick is eighteen years old. He's a senior in high school and is about to graduate and move out of the house for college. And boy, have I been counting down the days. I'm, unfortunately the middle child. Im fifteen years old. I have long, black hair, pale skin, and grayish-blue eyes. And so do my brothers. My little brother, Carter is nine years old, and as you already saw, he's a freaking brat.

As for my mom and dad, they have a strong Spanish accent, but my siblings and I never picked it up for some reason, but we all are fluent in Spanish. My mom is a bit crazy sometimes, but it's only because we stress her out a lot, but in the end of the day, she loves us all. My dad, eh, he's just like your average dad.

I go to Red Valley High School, home of the assholes. Well actually our mascot is the Bears, but a lot of assholes go to Red Valley High School.

My best friend is named Catelynn Jones. Unfortunately, she doesn't go to the same school as me. But I do have a best friend that does go to the same school as me. His name is Justin Adams. He's one of those "Golden Boys" that girls drool over. And I can't take it. I'm not jealous, because I have no feelings for Justin at all. But it's kind of annoying when we're having a conversation and we're interrupted by desperate girls that wanna feel his blonde hair or touch his muscles.

Well, I guess that covers up pretty much everything about me and my life.

"Mel! Nick! Come downstairs for dinner!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I opened the door to my room and when I walked out into the hallway, I was greeted with the unpleasant sight of Nick...and did I mention that he was shirtless.

I glared at my brother in disgust. "Put on a shirt."

"Shut up." He called out before going down the stairs.

I growled in frustration and went down the stairs. The kitchen smelled like tacos, which was what we were having for dinner. When mom turned her head, she stared at Nick. "Nick. Go back upstairs and put on a shirt!" My mom yelled, her voice getting louder with every word.

"Yes ma'am."

I snickered as Nick ran upstairs. I grabbed a taco and put it on a plate. I sat at the table with my mom, dad, and Carter. A few minutes later, Nick came back with a shirt on. He grabbed a taco and sat at the table with the rest of us.

I took a huge bite out of my taco and my eyes rolled to the back of my head due to the goodness of the taco. My mom was always a great cook.

I put down my taco and took my phone out of my back pocket. I saw a message from Catelynn.

Catelynn: Make sure you look cute for Danny tomorrow.

I smiled at the message. I've had a crush on Danny Martin since ninth grade. We're lab partners in chemistry. He has hazel eyes and light brown hair. He is beautiful. And I've been waiting for the day that he will be mine.

Woah, that sounded creepy.

I was about to reply to Catelynn's message before moms voice made me jump in surprise. "¿cuántas veces tengo que decirte esto!" (How many times do I have to tell you this). "No phones at the table, Mel!"

"Sorry mom." I muttered, putting my phone back in my pocket.

Mom took a deep breath and then smiled. She turned to my dad. "So, Pablo. How was your day at work?" My mom asked.

My dad shrugged. "It was alright." He replied. He turned towards my mom. "Thank you for the wonderful tacos, Marina."

My mom smiled and then they kissed.

I gave them a look of disgust.

"Ew." Nick muttered under his breath.

"Quiet!" My mom snapped.

I snickered and Nick turned towards me and glared at me. I ignored his glare and took another bite out of my taco.

Welcome to my crazy family.


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