31: The Boy Next Door

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"No. That puzzle piece goes over there." Catelynn argued.

"No it doesn't. It fits right here." Dylan said.

"Nope I think it goes on top." I added in.

Catelynn, Dylan and I were currently in the waiting room, sitting on the floor, doing some stupid animal puzzle that we couldn't even figure out. The thing was for kids ages 4 and up, and us teenagers couldn't even put it together.

We've been waiting in here for about an hour because the doctor told us she would have more information on Michael soon, but it seems to me she can't possibly take any longer.

"How about we choose another puzzle." Catelynn said.

"No. I like the animal one." Dylan whined. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

When we heard someone clear their throat, we all turned around to see the doctor standing above us. "Good news, Michael's free to leave."

"Good." Dylan said, getting up from the floor and brushing his jeans off.

I got up from my uncomfortable state on the floor and stretched.

I heard Michael's aunt's voice coming from a distance. "I'm so happy you get to leave today." She said.

When Michael and his aunt came into the waiting room, Michael's aunt was guiding him as he walked and Michael put an annoyed look on his face and backed away. "I can walk." He said with an obvious fake smile on his face.

Michael walked over to us. He looked a little beat up. He had bruises on most parts of his face and arms and it seemed like he was in great pain every time he took a step. "Glad you're back, man." Dylan spoke.

Catelynn smiled. "Yeah. We're glad you're not dead."

Michael put a half smile, half weirded out expression on his face. "Yeah, me too..." He trailed.

Michael turned his head towards me and smiled. "Hey, Alonzo."

I put a small smile on my face. "Hey," I awkwardly said.

Michael and I were just staring at each other for quite a few seconds until Michael's aunt's voice came in. "So are we ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah." Michael said, walking over to his aunt. They both walked away and exited the waiting room. Catelynn then followed behind them.

"This is absolutely crazy." Dylan mumbled.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and slowly turned to face Dylan. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't see it?" He asked.

"See what?" I said in an annoyed tone, just wanting him to get straight to the point.

"Mel, Michael has feelings for you."

I scoffed. "How much aftershave did you drink? Because you're starting to sound a little crazy." I said.

Dylan rolled his eyes. "I didn't drink any aftershave and I'm not crazy. Look, I've known Michael for years. And he's never acted this way around any girl before. I mean, the way he looks at you, they way he smiles at you, the way he always wants to be around you."

I stared at Dylan for a while before laughing. "That's ridiculous and you don't what you're talking about."

"Oh yeah, he bought you those converse." He said, pointing a finger at me.

I scowled. "That's only because he wanted me to help him decorate for that stupid dance!" I yelled, getting a little annoyed at this point. Dylan is one of the biggest morons I've ever known, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

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