35: The Boy Next Door

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I finally finished typing the last sentence of my 500 word essay for chemistry before saving my work and shutting down my computer.

I put my laptop on my bedside table and checked the time. It was nine o'clock pm and I hadn't even noticed that it'd gotten dark outside.

I turned my head to the left and looked out of my window. I looked at Michael's window and remembered the little argument we had last week.

I stared at Michael's window before getting up and looking around my room. I found one of Carter's stupid coloring books that he'd left in my room a couple days ago. I picked up the coloring book and walked towards my window.

I slid my window open and used all the force in my arm to throw the book at Michael's window. When I threw it, the book hit the window hard. I waited for a few seconds to see if he was going to open the window, and unfortunately, he didn't.

I pursed my lips and turned around to look for something else that had no value to throw at Michael's window.

I grabbed one of the wooden pencils that was sitting on my bedside table and turned back around to my window. I threw the pencil and it hit Michael's window, the pencil breaking in the process.

Seconds later, Michael opened the window. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked with a hint of venom in his voice. It was clear that he wanted nothing to do with me, but I decided that I need to fix this awkward black hole that I've created between us.

"I need to talk to you." I said.

"No," He deadpanned.

I sighed and pushed my hair behind my right ear. "Michael,"

"It's gonna be too weird. And I know you hate things when they're weird." He mumbled before lifting his arms up to close the window.

"Michael," I called.

Michael rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Please, Just meet me outside. For five minutes." I begged.

"Fine." Michael uninterestingly stated before closing his window.

I closed my window before turning around and grabbing my sweater. I put my sweater on and walked out of my room. When I was downstairs, I opened my front door and walked outside. I closed the door behind myself and watched Michael walk towards me. We were now both standing in my yard.

I looked up at him and didn't say a word. We stared at each other for a few seconds. Michael glared at me. "Did you ask me out here so you could stare at me?" He asked with a smart tone.

"No," I said, rolling my eyes. "Look, Michael, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for saying that us liking each other was weird."

"Is that all?"

"Us liking each other isn't weird. I was just scared of admitting to myself that I actually do like you."

"Is that all? Because I would really like to go inside now."

"I've never liked anyone the way I've like you before. And I've always liked you, it's just that us hating each other for so long took over my brain."

"Great now can I leave?"

"Are you even listening to me!" I yelled, getting a little fed up.

"Mel, you don't even know what you're saying!" He yelled.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"You don't like me! You hate me! I'm the most idiotic, annoying, moronic boy you've ever met in your life!" I stared at Michael as he spoke. "You said it yourself! You will never like me, Mel. You will always hate me! I don't even know why I tried to start something with you, because I should've known it would never work!"

I looked at Michael with hurt eyes before sighing and looking down. "Michael—"

"Whatever, I have somewhere to be." He said, turning around and walking towards his car.

I furrowed my eyebrows and lifted my head. "Where are you going?" I asked, following behind him.

"To a party," He mumbled.

"I'm coming with you." I stated, grabbing the door handle.

"No you aren't," Michael said, grabbing my wrist.

"I'm coming," I repeated, snatching my wrist from his grasp and opening the passenger door.

Michael put a weird look on his face before surrendering and walking over to the drivers side of the car. He opened the door and got in the car. He started up the car and started driving.

I looked out the window as we drove. The ride was of course completely silent. I can't believe Michael wasn't buying my apology. I was actually genuinely sorry, but I guess he didn't believe me.

But in all fairness I did start all this mess. Now that I told him that us liking each other was weird, he probably thinks that I'll never like him and always hate him, and now he probably feels like a doof for even trying to start an us.

I guess I never realized how much he actually liked me. And now that I do realize how much he likes me, I just screwed it all up.

Michael and I were driving for about fifteen minutes until he finally parked in a driveway of a house that looked like a normal teenage house party with dancing, drunken teens.

Michael got out of the car and I quickly followed behind him. When we were in the house, I was taken back by the millions of teens in the house. There were so many people, anyone could barely move. I rolled my eyes and watched Michael walk somewhere oblivious.

I sighed and scanned my eyes over all the people, hoping that I could find at least one person I knew. But unfortunately, the only people I saw that I knew were the assholes that went to my school, and not the people that I actually liked.

I turned my head to see two people making out. I grimaced and turned back around.

I crossed my arms over my chest. And leaned against the wall. Why did I come to this party again?

"Hey, you." I heard someone call. I turned my head to see a slum boy with light brown hair and green eyes. "We need one more person for spin the bottle. Wanna play?"

"No," I spat in an annoyed tone.

The boy glared at me before turning around and walking back to wherever he came from. I was about to walk somewhere else until I heard a loud noise.

I jumped and turned around to the direction of the noise and my eyes widened when I saw policemen at the door.

"My parents are going to kill me." I mumbled before everyone started panicking and running out of the house.

The neighbors must have called the police, but if my parents find out I went to a party where police showed up, I would never see tomorrow.

I would've ran like everyone else, but I couldn't. There were too many people.

I suddenly felt someone grab me by the wrist and pull me away. "What the hell!" I was worried that someone was trying to kidnap me, but I turned around and relaxed when I realized it was only Michael.

When we were outside, I noticed two thing: that we were in the back part of the house, I guess so the police wouldn't catch us, and that it was raining.

"Ah no! It's raining!" I yelled, lifting my arms to cover my hair, although it wasn't working out very well. Michael didn't reply, he just stared at me.

I stared back at him before suddenly wrapping my arms around his neck and crashing my lips on his.

Hopefully this'll make him forgive me.

We were kissing for quite a while, maybe like eight seconds before I pulled away and look at him, putting a small smile on my face.

Michael looked at me for a while before speaking. "This doesn't change anything." He said before walking away.

I threw my hands up in frustration. "Oh come on!"

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