3: The Boy Next Door

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"Excuse me? One more time." I said, staring at Michael.

"I'm moving in next door." He repeated.

Oh my gosh. How could I have forgotten that the house next door was for sale? "Are you kidding me?" I said with gritted teeth.

"Nope. I'm moving in tomorrow. And guess what. My room is right across from yours. So get ready to watch me dance around my room in my SpongeBob underwear, Alonzo." Michael smirked and walked away with Dylan.

"Do you seriously dance around in your underwear?" Dylan asked as they walked away.

My face instantly began to heat up, and I'm pretty sure there was steam fuming out of my ears. My eyes began to twitch, and my vision started to become blurry.

Catelynn gave me a worried look. She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "Mel. Are you okay?"

"No!" I yelled.

Catelynn's backed up and wiped off her face. "You spit when you're mad." She said, wiping my spit on her sweat pants.

"ugh , ambos de esos putos imbéciles viven en mi barrio ahora! La cara culo maldito se está moviendo en al lado!" I yelled in frustration.

"I don't know what you just said, but I'm pretty sure you're mad."

"I am furious!" I yelled. "Wait how do you know them?"

"We go to the same school."

"They go to Aspen High School?" I asked. Catelynn nodded her head. "How do you deal with them?"

"Their kind if annoying, but their really cool." She said.

I scoffed. "Not."

Catelynn and I walked back to my house. When we got back inside, we both took showers. I changed into my pajamas, which were some purple polka dot pajama pants and a white tank top.

"Can I sleepover? My mom already said I could." Catelynn said.

"Yeah sure." I sighed in my pajama drawer and tossed her a pair that she could wear. While she changed, k looked out my window, and into the window next door. "I can't believe Michael is gonna be in that room tomorrow, taunting me while dancing around in his SpongeBob underwear." I said. I almost wanted to cry at the image.

"You'll live, Mel." Catelynn said.

"No! I hate him!" I said plopping on my bed. "How am I gonna deal with that idiot now that he lives next door to me?"

"Just give him a chance, Mel." She said, sitting on my bed.

I sighed. Wanting to get off this topic, I grabbed my blue Apple laptop and went on Netflix. For the rest of the night, Catelynn and I watched the whole Twilight series on Netflix until we both fell asleep.


"Alright everyone!" Our chemistry teacher, Ms. Walsh yells. "It's time to pass back the tests you took yesterday." Ms. Walsh took a pile of papers off her desk and started passing them to us. "And as you can see, most of you did a pathetic job."

Ms. Walsh gave me my paper, and then She gave Danny his paper. I got a 100. I looked at Danny's paper and saw that he got 100 too. Shocker.

When the bell rang, everyone stormed out of the class. I got up, and started walking slowly to see if Danny was gonna say anything to me, but he didn't say anything, so I just started walking out of the classroom.

I was on my way to the cafeteria when I felt hands over my eyes. "THUNDER COCK!" Someone yelled in my ear.

I cringed and removed the hands from my face. I turned around to see a grinning Justin. "Hey, Justin." Justin and I started walking to the cafeteria. "So, what have girls been doing to you today?" I asked him as we entered the cafeteria.

Justin ran his fingers through his hair. "Actually, no girls have came up to me today. I must be having an off day."

I rolled my eyes and got in the lunch line. I grabbed a slice pizza and sat down at our normal lunch table. "Any luck with Danny today?" Justin asked me, taking a huge bite out of his pizza."

Justin knows all about my crush on Danny. I didn't tell him about it, he snuck into my underwear drawer and read my diary.

I shook my head. "We did make out with fiery passion in the middle of the hallway yesterday, though."

Justin almost choked on his pizza. "What?"

I laughed. "I'm just kidding, it was my imagination."

"Ohh. Okay, now that makes more sense."

For the rest of lunch, Justin and I talked about random things, and thank the Lord that no desperate girls were running up on Justin today. Because their necks were about to get snapped.

After lunch, I went to History class, which rolled by pretty quickly, because all we did was watch some videos about the history of Africa.

And after that class, it was finally time to go home. I waited for Nick outside, and when he came out, we picked up Carter, and drove home.

When I got home, I changed into my pajamas, knowing that I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day. Catelynn would've came over, but she had a family dinner to be at.

So I took out my laptop and started watching a whole season of Pretty Little Liars.

When I finally snatched my eyes away from the laptop screen, I looked at my clock and saw that it was eight o'clock already. And my eyes are burning from having my eyes glued to the screen. I was about to walk downstairs for a snack, but I heard loud music.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want." The music blasted.

I glared and turned around. I looked out the window and I almost choked at the sight. No let me correct myself; I did choke at the sight.

I completely forgot that Michael was moving in today! And there he was, dancing to Spice Girls music in his SpongeBob underwear. He was serious when he said he was gonna do that?! I walked to my window with my mouth wide open. Michael opened his window and smirked at me. "Hey, Alonzo!"

I groaned in frustration and closed my curtains. I went out of my room and went downstairs. My mom and dad were watching TV downstairs. I stood in front of the TV.

"Mel. Get out of the way." My mom told me.

"Mom! Did you know Michael Richards was moving in next door?" I asked.

"Oh yes, isn't that the boy you hated from elementary school?"

"Yes! Why didn't you tell me?"

"This is why I didn't tell you." She said. "Mel, I don't have time for your attitude. Go back to your room."

I sighed in frustration and went back to my room. Thankfully, the music stopped, and I hoped he had on pants now. But I wasn't even gonna take the risk of opening my curtains.

Having a long enough day, I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I got in my bed and got under the covers. I turned my lamp off and tried to go to sleep, but that image of Michael dancing in his underwear is haunting me.

I groaned and turned over in my bed.

Somebody kill me!

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