38: The Boy Next Door

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"You used to work...here?" Michael asked, looking at the shop with an amazed face expression.

"Yeah, for one day. Come on." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him inside.

When I walked into the doll shop, I saw Sally displaying some new dolls on one of the tables. When she noticed that I'd walked in, she turned towards me and smiled. "Hi, Mel. Are you here to pick up your first...and final pay check?" She said awkwardly.

I shook my head. "No,"

Sally put a confused look on her face. "But I thought you might—"

"I want my job back." I interrupted.

I might have hated working here, but I was thinking about what my mom said. I only have two years until I go to college. I need to start saving up money. But also because I want to kick Dana's ass at this job since she got smart with me the other day.

"I don't know, Mel. You caused five of our costumers to leave, and you had three employee complaints." She informed.

Michael's eye went wide in shock and I sighed. "I know, and it won't happen again. I read the entire doll manual two times last night."

Sally raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over chest. I smiled and walked over to a doll table. I picked up one of the dolls. "This is Katie. She loves science. She loves to gunfire things out and see how things work. She comes with a magnifying glass and a pair of nerd glasses."

Sally put a small smile on her face. She turned around and picked up another doll. "What about this one?" She handed me the doll.

I pointed to it with my index finger. "This is Zuri. She likes to shop. She spend all her money at the mall. She comes with shopping bags and fake money." I put the doll down back where Sally got it from.

I walked over to another table and picked up another doll. "And this one is my favorite," I walked over to were her Michael and Sally were standing. "Her name is Elizabeth. She loves love. She comes with her boyfriend, Tom. Her and Tom fight a lot, but no matter how many times they fight, Elizabeth always realizes that she will always love Tom, whether she used to hate him, or how many confusing fights they may have, they will always love each other." I said, grabbing Michael's hand and intertwining our fingers. "And that was really corny." I pointed out.

Sally laughed. "I can see you know our dolls very well now." I nodded my head. Sally sighed. "Okay, you can start your job again tomorrow."

I put a huge smile on my face. "Yes! Thank you!" I yelled before giving her a quick hug and running out of the shop.

I left with a victorious smile on my face. The only downside of getting my job back is that I have to wear that annoying doll makeup all the time. I don't really mind the pigtails and the uniform, because let's face it, I'm adorable.

Michael and I started walking down the street. I stopped when I realized I didn't want to go home yet. I turned towards Michael and looked up at him. "Now that I got my job back, what do you want to do now?" I asked curiously.

Michael shrugged. "Don't care, as long as it's with you."

I could feel my cheeks burning red and I put a small smile on my face, which made Michael smile. "Well...judging by the fact that I'm starving, we should probably eat something." I suggested.

"Sounds good." Michael said, grabbing my hand again as we continued to walk down the street.

Michael and I both agreed that we wanted pizza, so we stopped at Papa John's and got a pepperoni pizza. I was so ready to eat that thing.

We walked back to our neighborhood and decided we wanted to eat it at Michael's house. When we were there, we walked up the stairs and into Michael's room.

We put the pizza box on the floor and sat on the floor across from each other. I opened the pizza box and my mouth watered as all the aromas left the box.

I instantly grabbed a pizza and took a large bite. My eyes rolled to the back of my head in satisfactory.

I looked at Michael, who seemed to be enjoying his pizza as much as I was. "Why'd you forgive me?" I asked.

Michael looked at me. "What?"

"You know, when I said that us having a relationship was weird. You were pissed, I thought you were never gonna forgive me. It kind of scared me." I said with a shrug.

Michael shook his head. "Can't stay mad at you,"

I smiled. "And when you told me you loved me the other night, when did you find out that you loved me?" I asked curiously.


"Tell me," I begged with a hopeful smile on my face. "I want to know why the first boy whose ever loved me loves me."

Michael put a small smile on his face. "Okay, well," he began, putting down his pizza and scooting closer to me. I put down my pizza afterwards. I was still hungry and wanted more, but I guess it could wait.

"I found out when I couldn't stop thinking about you. I found out when I got chills every time we're close. I found out when i realized that your smile makes my day a hundred times better."

I smiled. "That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." I stated, leaning in and connecting my lips with his, which made me feel like fireworks are going off in my body.

I pulled away and looked at Michael. "And you want to know when I found out I that I loved you?" I asked.

"So you love me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, you butt brain." I said, playfully punching him in the arm.

"Ow," He whined, rubbing where I'd punched him.

"Sorry, I need to work on that." Crap, I just ruined the moment.

"Anyway," I began. "I found out when my skin heated up every time you touched me. I found out when I was get excited every time you showed up at my door. I would pretend that hated it when you showed up at my door, but in reality, I was pretty excited." I added a small laugh, so did Michael. "I found out when I felt like my life was over when you were in the hospital that time. I found out when I was pissed when I saw that other girl at your house. I found out when—"

"Alright, Alonzo. You love me, I love you, I think we got it covered."

I laughed and shook my head. Michael leaned in and kissed me again. I suddenly forgot all about the pizza, now focusing only on Michael's lips. Who knew kissing could be so addicting.

I pulled away from Michael after about ten seconds and put and put a small smile on my face. I pointed to the pizza. "We should probably eat this, you know, before it gets cold." I suggested.

Michael laughed. "Good idea."

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