6: The Boy Next Door

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I was woken by loud, blasting music. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. Whoever the hell is blasting that music is getting their neck snapped tonight. Because as I already mentioned, I hated being woken up, especially when it was at two o'clock in the morning.

I swung my legs out of my bed and walked to the direction of the loud music. I walked towards my window, opened the curtains, unlocked my window, and slid it open. The music was coming from Michael's house. I ran my fingers through my hair and rolled my eyes I frustration. Does he do this on purpose? Does he freaking make my life a living hell on purpose?!

"Michael!" I yelled, but not too loud that my parents would hear me. He probably wasn't gonna hear me over the music, but it was worth a shot. "Michael!" I yelled one more time. I sighed and decided that I needed to do what I had to do. It's time to go Cat Woman on this thing.

If you've seen the movie Cat Woman, then you know what I mean, you know, the part where she went into her neighbors house and literally destroyed the music stereo and threatened all of the people to keep quiet while she slept... You know what, never mind!

I stepped out of my window and grabbed on the edge. The house was only two stories, so the ground wasn't too far up. I hopped down and thanked God that I didn't break anything while hopping from my window.

I sighed and looked up at Michael's window. I'm gonna give him five seconds for the music to stop.






Alright, I'm going in. I walked to my front yard, and grabbed one of the benches. It was hard to walk in the heavy snow. Hey, I just remembered it was snowing, and I just realized I'm outside in a short sleeved shirt. I'm freezing!

I ran to Michael's window and quickly put the bench down. I climbed on the bench an jumped up to grabbed Michael's window edge. I pushed myself up and slid the window open. Idiot, he told me to lock my windows, his window isn't even locked.

I climbed inside, which took a lot of effort. I started breathing heavy. Whoo, that's enough work out for the year... As you can see, I am very lazy.

I glared at all the partying teenagers who probably went to his school. Everyone was all sweaty and dancing, and a couple people were drinking. I shook my head and found out that the music was coming from an Apple laptop that was sitting on Michael's desk.

I scanned my eyes over the room and saw a red cup sitting nearby. I grabbed it and luckily, there was still some drink it in.

I walked over to the Apple laptop, and I know I was about to destroy a beautiful Apple laptop, but hey, I need my sleep.

I then began pouring the drink on the laptop and the laptop began smoking up and the music started to stop. I smiled at the smoky laptop and sighed in relief at the sound of peace and freaking quiet.

"Alonzo?!" I heard Michael's voice and I turned around. "What the hell did you do to my laptop!" He said, walking over to the laptop and observing it.

I waved the red cup in his face. "I poured this drink on it." I simply said, throwing the cup on the floor. "People are trying to sleep next door if you didn't notice." I said, pointing to my house. Everyone in the room was looking at me in shock. "Sorry, but next time don't blast your music while I'm trying to sleep." I gave him a fake apologetic look before turning around to go back to my house.

But before I could even take two steps, Michael grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back. "Ew, let go." I said, trying to yank from his grip.

The next thing I know, Michael pushed me against the wall (not hard) and he got in front of me and put both of his arms on the wall, trapping me between the wall and him. My eyes went wide in shock. We were standing only centimeters apart, our breaths mixing. "Uh, do you mind stepping back so I can get out?" I said, my breath unstable.

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