15: The Boy Next Door

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"Knock, Knock." Danny said.

I laughed. "Whose there?" I asked, taking a bite out of one of my fries.


"Dewey who?"

"Dewey have to use a condom?"

I then sputtered out laughing at his dirty, yet hilarious joke. I then realized that I was laughing to loudly, and everyone in Zaxby's was looking at me weirdly. My laughter slowly died down and I rubbed my stomach.

After going to the skatepark, we made our way to Zaxby's. The skatepark was really fun, and Danny is apparently really good at skateboarding. I fell once when I tried to do a ramp trick and scrapped my knee, but it was worth it because it was awesome!

Now we're at Zaxby's and Danny is having a Zaxby's Club and I'm having a Kickin' Chicken Sandwich. And along the way, for some reason we decided to tell each other knock, knock jokes.

"Oo, I have another one." Danny said.


"Okay, um. Knock, Knock." He said.

"Whose there?" I asked.


"Honeydew who?"

"Honeydew you know how fine you look right now?" The joke was actually really lame, but my cheeks started to fire up and I let out a really girly giggle. Danny laughed and looked at his phone. "Well, it's almost eleven. I better get you home."

I nodded. "Okay." Danny and threw our trash in the trash can and left the restaurant. We got in his car and he drove me home.

When we got to my house, we stood outside my front door. I had a really great time today, Mel." Danny said.

I smiled. "I did too." I then saw Danny slowly lean in and I back up. Not that I didn't want to kiss him, because trust me, I did. "Hey, no kissing on the first date."

Danny laughed. "Sorry."

I smiled. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Alright." He smiled at me before getting back in his car and driving away. I stared at him drive away for a few minutes and sighed in happiness. That date was perfect, wonderful. I can't believe I actually went on a perfect first date with Danny Mar-

"Alonzo? What are you doing out here at eleven at night?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around. "What do you want?" I asked with annoyance written all over my tone.

Michael put his hands up in defense. "I just had to run to the store for my aunt and when I got back, I just saw you out here and I was just wondering why you were standing out here at night."

I glared at him before sighing and speaking. "I was on a date."

"With Danny?"

"Oh, I see you've read that part of the diary too." I rolled my eyes.

Michael sighed. "Look, Alonzo. I'm s-"

Before he could finish, I opened the door to my house and slammed it behind me. I walked upstairs to my room and closed to door behind me. I plopped on my bed and smiled as I looked up at the ceiling. I can't wait for the second date!!


"You get the best of both worlds! Chilling out take it slow, then you rock out the show! You get the best of both worlds! Mix it all together and you know you-hey!" I yelled as Nick grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and got off the living room couch. How dare he interrupt my Hannah Montana throwback time.

I walked in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I scanned my eyes around the refrigerator, rolled my eyes and closed the door. Every time I open this refrigerator for food, I always leave empty handed!

"I'm hungry!" I yelled.

"I don't care." Nick said, flipping through TV channels.

I groaned. "Come on, Nick! Take Carter and I to Wendy's and I won't bother you again."

"Ugh whatever!"

I glared at Nick for his attitude. "Are you on your period?"

Nick snapped his head towards me. "I'm a guy!"

"Well shut up with your annoying attitude!" I yelled. "Carter! Get down here! We're going to Wendy's"

Carter instantly came running down the stairs, and when he got to half way down the stairs, he tripped and fell down the stairs. "Ahh!!!!!" He cried.

Nick and I snickered in amusement. I know this sounds evil, but it was kind of funny. You would understand if you'd seen it. "It's not funny!" Carter yelled. He got off the ground and stomped outside.

I was about to open the door to Nick's car when he stopped me. "No! We're walking to Wendy's"

I scowled. "Why?"

"Do you know how much gas costs these days?" He complained. "Now start walking."

I sighed as we all started walking down the street. When we turned the corner to e it the neighborhood, we happened to run into Dylan. He was wearing blue basketball shorts and a gray t-shirt. And did I mention he was all sweaty, which made me want to gauge my eyes out. "What's up, M-Dog."

I scowled. "M-Dog?"

"It's my new nickname for you." He said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "So one idiot calls me by my last name, and the other idiot calls me M-Dog. That's just great."

"Oh yeah, that was an interesting diary entry you had there at the dance." He laughed. "It was funny, but kind of embarrassing..."

I instantly out my hands on Dylan's  shoulders and pushed him hard, causing him to fall back on the ground. Nick and Carter laughed. "Ow! What was that for."

I kneeled down and grabbed Dylan by the shirt. "Never speak of that diary ever again!" I yelled.

Dylan nodded and gave me a terrified look. I took a deep breath and violently let go of his shirt. I got up and continued to walk. Nick and Carter shrugged their shoulders and followed behind me.

I never wanted to be reminded of that diary, and I never wanted to be reminded of that night.

Nick, Carter and I finally got to Wendy's and we all order chicken sandwiches as fries. My hunger was soon subdued as I devoured my chicken sandwich. Carter only took like two little bites of his sandwich. His stomach is the size of a pea. But I happily ate his sandwich for him. I know I sound really fat, but I was hungry, so I didn't care.

I heard my phone vibrate and I took it out of my pocket. It was a message from Danny.

Danny: Looking forward to our second date. And maybe I'll be able to kiss you ;-)

I put a huge smile on my face as I stared at the phone screen. "What are you doing? You look constipated." Nick said and I quickly wiped the smile of my face.

"Nothing." I said.

Me: I'm looking forward to it too

I replied and put my phone back in my pocket.

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now