27: The Boy Next Door

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"Then he kissed me." I whispered.

Jessica put her pencil down and faced me. "Okay, who is Michael?"

I sighed. "He's-"

"Shh!" Jessica and I snapped our heads up to look at Ms. Eisner. "Jessica, Melody, be quiet!" She snapped.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my textbook.

Jessica and I are both just now noticing that we had the same astronomy class. We've become pretty good friends ever since I've started talking to her. And it's nice to know that there's one less asshole at Red Valley High School. And I need a new girl best friend since Catelynn's off the list.

I turned towards Jessica. "He's my neighbor slash...friend, I guess. I actually don't really know what he is to me, but I've hated him for a really long time." I whispered.

"Okay, if you hate him, then why did you kiss him?" Jessica asked.

"I didn't kiss him. And I don't hate him anymore, we kind of worked out our problems." I stated.

"How long did the kiss last?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know, like five, six, seconds."

"Okay, so for the kiss to be that long, you had to kiss him back, right?"

My eyes went wide and I put my pen down on the table. I guess I did kiss him back. Why did I kiss him back?! I should've pushed him away. Yeah, that's what I should've done. Matter of fact, if he tries to kiss me again, that's what I'll do.

"And that night, he said he can finally get to kiss me." I informed.

Jessica put an ecstatic smile on her face. "So that means he's been planning to kiss you!" Jessica whisper yelled.

"No! It can't be possible! I've known him since kindergarten. He would never want to kiss me." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's probably just a prank to get me thinking he likes me, and then when I get all brain washed, he's gonna-"

"Mel," Jessica deadpanned. "You're not making any sense."

I winced. I opened my mouth to say something, but the ringing of the bell prevented me. I got up and closed my book.

Jessica and I walked out of the classroom. In the next minute, this day will officially become the best Monday ever. You know why? Because it's about to be lunch time. And this is the time where everyone's about to see Danny's picture and girly underwear. Time for the laughable embarrassment.

When Jessica and I entered the lunch room, there were a bunch of people gathered around the wall. I could hear most of the people laughed, and I saw other people pointing at the wall. Yes, it's happening.

"Is this the revenge you were talking about?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know. Let's take a look." I smiled before grabbing Jessica by the wrist and dragging her over to the crowd.

I pushed through the students until the wall was completely in sight. "Woah." Jessica said as she laughed and pointed to the wall. "Mel, you seriously got him good."

Jessica bursted out into a fit of laughter until tears started to flow from her eyes. She wiped her eyes and held her stomach. "He has tweety bird underwear!"

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