33: The Boy Next Door

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"Happy birthday to you." We all finished singing happy birthday to Jessica and she blew out the candles on her cake.

"Thanks guys." She said with a huge smile on her face.

Today is Jessica's birthday and she invited me to her birthday party. It's been pretty fun so far, but I'm honestly just ready to eat the cake.

There were a lot of people here, most of the people went to Red Valley High School, and others went to other schools.

Jessica's party theme was black and white, so everybody was pretty much wearing either black or white. I was wearing a black crop top, a white flowing skirt that stopped at my ankles, and black sandals. Jessica was wearing a white dress that stopped mid thigh and some black high heels.

"And Jessica," Jessica's mom said after the song. "Your father and I have another surprise for you outside."

Jessica's parents went outside and everyone followed behind them. When we were outside, I stood on my toes to see what the surprise was and my jaw dropped.

"A car?!" Jessica yelled before she ran over to the white Lexus. "Oh my gosh! Mom, dad! Thanks!"

When Jessica was finally done admiring her new car, everyone went back inside and started partying again.

I walked over to Jessica and shook my head. "I can't believe you got a car. I didn't even get one at my sweet sixteen."

Jessica shrugged. "I'm actually surprised. Because last week my mom told me she was gonna give me my grandpa's old pick up truck and a new toothbrush for my birthday."

I laughed. "Well, I'm gonna go talk to Catelynn." I said, pointing to the direction of the kitchen.

"Alright," Jessica said before we split ways.

I walked into the kitchen, where Catelynn was sitting on the counter, drinking a can of Sprite. I hooped up on the counter next to her.

"Sup," I said, looking over at Catelynn. She was facing forward, staring into the living room. She had one of those blank faces where she stares at nothing in particular and doesn't blink, which meant there was something on her mind. "What's wrong?" I asked, raising my arm and snapping in her face.

Catelynn blinked and turned towards me. She shrugged. "Just thinking about my mom." I stared at Catelynn and my small smile quickly disappeared as she spoke. "They said she was doing better, but—but what if it all of a sudden gets worse."

"Catelynn," I said in a worried tone. "Don't think like that. It'll be fine."

Catelynn put a small smile on her face. "Okay."

I looked at Catelynn for a while before hopping off the counter. "I know what will take you're mind off things." I said, grabbing Catelynn's wrist and pulling her off the counter.

I pulled her into the living room and walked near the cake that was almost halfway gone. I cut a slice of cake and plopped it on a paper plate. I handed it to Catelynn and smiled. "Cake makes everything better."

Catelynn smiled and grabbed the plate from my hands. "Thanks, Mel."

"No problem." I opened my purse to take out my phone, but to my surprise, it wasn't in there.

I rolled my eyes and threw my head back. "I think I left my phone upstairs."

"Go get it before someone steals it." Catleynn said, taking a big bite out of her cake.

With that, I walked up the stairs and into the room I was in before. I opened the door and was unexpectedly bombarded with the sight of two people kissing. "Woah." I blurted.

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