30: The Boy Next Door

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When we entered the hospital waiting room. Everyone's heads turned towards us. Three people were waiting in the waiting room, Michael's aunt and uncle, and Dylan.

Last night, my mom told me that Michael got in an accident and was in the hospital. I was shocked, really shocked. I mean, the last time I remember, Michael and I were outside of my house kissing...which is really weird for me to say. But the next moment, he's in the hospital.

How did this happen? When did this happen? Why did this happen?

"You guys made it." Michael's aunt said, getting up from her chair and wiping a tear that fell from her eye.

"Yeah, we needed to know what was going on." My mom said in a caring tone.

I looked over at Dylan and he was looking down at him phone, the light from the screen shining in his face. He was slumping down in his chair, and he looked like he wasn't sad, or disappointed, but I could tell that he was. Dylan and Michael are best friends. I know he was upset and worried.

I saw a lady in a lab coat walk in, holding a clip board. "How is he?" Michael's uncle asked, getting up from his chair. Dylan got up as well and we all gathered around the doctor.

"Michael...is still in the coma."

My eyes widened. "He's in a coma?!" I yelled in disbelief. It's like the information is getting worse and worse. I cannot believe this is happening right now.

"Yes. There was a lot of damage done to his body." She explained. Michael's aunt shook her head and put a worried look on his face.

"What exactly happened to him?" I asked curiously.

"Him and a friend were driving two nights ago, and a drunk driver hit the car. Michael wasn't the one driving though, he was on the passenger side. But he has a lot of injuries and a few broken ribs. He's been in the coma ever since the night of the accident. We're doing everything in our ability to get him back on track." She explained before she walked back down the hallway and entering another room.

Everyone then sat back down in their seats and waited. I looked around for a few seconds, not knowing what to do before I finally sat in a seat next to Michael's aunt.

I turned to look at her and she looked really sad. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

She put a small smile on her face and looked at me. She sighed. "I don't know. I've just...I've already lost my sister and her husband. I can't lose my only nephew too."

I looked at her for a while before slowly nodding. I sighed and got up and walked over to Dylan. "Um, hey." I said. Dylan looked up and looked at me. "Can we talk, like, over there." I said, pointing to the corner in the waiting room.

Without another word, Dylan got up and followed me to the corner. "What is it?" He asked.

"You know anything about this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" I glared at Dylan for a few seconds before Dylan sighed and rolled his eyes. "I was stupid okay. I-I told Michael to come with me to a party on Friday, and it was late, and I was driving, and I let a drunk I driver hit us, and I almost killed my best friend." Dylan said with a hurt tone. I stared at him as he explained. "And if he doesn't get out of his coma, then I did kill my best friend."

"Dylan, it wasn't you're fault." I said.

"Yes it was. It's entirely my fault. And if he doesn't wake up...then I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life."


"Mel," Catelynn said with a worried tone. "Mel," She repeated.

"Yes?" I quietly replied.

"Mel, you have been sitting on you're bed, in criss cross apple sauce, staring into Michael's bedroom, for two...hours." Catelynn stated.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't notice." I said, my eyes still never leaving the window.

"Look," she began, sitting on my bed next to me. She looked into Michael's room for a few seconds, then back at me. "I know you're weirded out and confused about the accident. I am too. We all are. But you can't just stare into his room for hours."

"Ugh!" I yelled. "Well I'm just-"

I was interrupted by my door busting open. "Mel!" Someone yelled. I turned around, thinking it was Nick, but it was really Dylan.

I grimaced. "How the hell did you get in here?" I asked.

"You're mom let me in." He stated.

"Well I really need to tell her to stop doing that." I mumbled.

"That isn't the point!" He yelled.

"Well what is it?"

"Michael's awake!"

"What?!" I yelled, getting up from my bed.

"He's awake! Come on!" He said, leaving my room.

I was about to run out before Catelynn grabbed me by the wrist. "What?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Mel, you're still in your pajamas."

I looked down and rolled my eyes. I ran to my closet and threw on a dark blue sweater, blue jeans, and my black converse. I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in. I turned around, grabbed Catelynn by the wrist and dragged her out of the room.

When we were all outside. We got in Catelynn's car and she drove us all to the hospital.

The entire car ride was silent, but I think everyone was just focused on the fact that Michael was actually awake from his coma.

When we arrived at the hospital, Catelynn parked her car, but it was in a handicap spot.

"Catelynn. You parked in a handicap space." I said with an impatient tone.

"Who cares? Come on! Get out the car." Dylan yelled.

I shrugged my shoulders and hopped out the car. We all ran inside the hospital. When we were in the hospital, we all ran right passed the check in office, but a security guard stepped in front of us. I rolled my eyes.

"Where do you kids think you're going?" The security guard said, crossing his arms over is chest. "You have to check in first." He informed, pointing to the check in desk.

We all ran over to the check in desk and the lady who was there had her blonde hair in a messy bun and her thick framed glasses were halfway down her nose. She was reading a book called "500 Things That Single Woman Need To Know."

"Excuse me." I said.

The lady snapped her head up and quickly closed her book as put it down. "Yes? How may I help you?"

"We're here to see Michael Richards." Dylan said.

The lady checked the clipboard that was in front of her. "Richards, Richards, ah, here he is. He's in room 187."

"Thanks." Catelynn called as we all ran down the hallway until we found room 187.

There was a nurse standing outside of the room. "Are you all here to see Michael?" She asked. We all nodded in response. "Alright. But only one person at a time."

"You can go, Dylan." Catelynn said, patting Dylan on the shoulder.

Dylan shrugged and opened the door to enter the room.

Next chapter will be a very, very, nice chapter. That's all I have to say about that.

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