26: The Boy Next Door

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"Give me a boost." I whispered.

Michael rolled his eyes and held his hands out. I stepped in his hands and reached up to grabbed the window sill.

We were currently at Danny's house, stop number one.

I lifted the window sill up and to my surprise, it was open. Ha, easier for both of us. Thanks, Danny.

I climbed through the window and fell hard on the floor. "Ow!" I whisper yelled.

"Shh! He might hear you and wake up!" Michael said from outside.

I slowly turned my head towards Danny, who was knocked out snoring with his mouth wide open and droll seeping out of his mouth. I don't think he's gonna wake up anytime soon.

"Come on, Michael!" I yelled, reaching out and grabbing his arm to help him in. Michael climbed in and dusted off his clothes.

"Okay, you take the picture while I look in the underwear drawer." Michael stated.

I nodded and I walked over to Danny. I stared at him for a couple of seconds before putting a disgusted look on my face and shaking my head in shame. "What goes around comes back around." I said before shrugging and quickly snapping the picture of Danny. The camera was a Polaroid camera, so the picture came out instantly, which was what I needed in order for the plan to work.

I turned towards Michael and watched him grab some underwear and stuff them in the plastic bag. "You got them?" I asked.

"Yeah, now let's go." He said as we both ran to the window. Michael jumped out and I slowly closed the window before jumping completely out and running to Michael's car.

When we were in, I put a victorious smile on my face and looked at Michael. "Did you get any good ones?" I asked.

"Yeah. I found some ballon underwear, heart underwear, bunny underwear, pink underwear, and best of all," he said, fishing out a pair of underwear from the bag. He held them out and my mouth went wide. "The tweety bird underwear."

Michael put a smirk on his face and I laughed until my stomach hurt. "Nice!" I said, giving Michael a high five.

Michael started up the car and began driving to stop number two, Catelynn's house.

When we were there, I took the red permanent marker from Michael and we both ran out of the car. I began talking as we walked to the back of the house Catelynn's window. "Okay, so Catelynn never keeps her windows unlocked at night, but she does sneak out a lot at night, so she has a way of getting in her room without her parents knowing." I informed.

Michael nodded and took in the information. When we reached Catelynn's window, I pointed to a small door at the bottom of the house. It blended with the brick, so you could barely even tell it was there.

I lifted the mat that was sitting there and took the key from under it and unlocked the small door. "Woah, what is she, some kind of teenage spy?" Michael said with wide eyes.

I laughed. "No, but Catelynn has her ways." I said with a smile, but I quickly wiped it from my face. "Anyway, this door leads right to her room, so come on."

Michael and I both climbed through the door until we saw the opening to her room. We crawled through it and soon entered Catelynn's room. I looked up to see her sleep in her bed, sleeping with her stuffed teddy bear, Francis. I never knew why she still slept with that thing.

I got up and opened the cap to the marker. I walked over to Catelynn and lowered my arm to begin writing on her forehead.

I was about to write the first letter before Michael grabbed me by the wrist and pulled it away. He gave me a hesitant look. "You sure you wanna do this to your best friend?"

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