23: The Boy Next Door

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I leaned my back on Michael's front door and crossed my arms over my chest as I watched Michael pop a pain killer pill in his mouth. He opened his water bottle and chugged down a gulp of water. He threw the bottle in his refrigerator and slammed the door shut.

"So is your head feeling better." I asked.

Michael turned towards me. "I took the pain killer literally one second ago. No, my head is not feeling better." The corner of my lip twitched up at his sudden attitude. He stared at me for a couple seconds. "So why are you still here?"

When I didn't respond, Michael gave me a weird look before walking to the living room and sitting in the couch. Michael's aunt and uncle were at work. I figured this should be the time where I sit and apologize to him. I sighed and lifted myself from the door.

"Look, I'm sorry for saying what I said the other night." I told Michael, walking into his living room. I stood in front of him. "I really didn't mean to trigger any emotions."

Michael shrugged and stared at his hands. But I knew this apology wasn't working. I sat on the couch next to him. "Being bullied gives you this feeling of loneliness." I said.

Michael turned towards me. "What are you-"

"Just listen to me." I said. I fidgeted around with my fingers as I began to talk. "In elementary school, middle school, and sometimes even in high school, I've been bullied. And it wasn't just some dumb 'give me your lunch money' bullying. It was much more than that." I explained. "People used to make fun of me, call me stupid, ugly, too short, bitch, brat, and a whole lot of other stuff. People would post things online about me, talk about me behind my back, spread rumors about me...it was really bad."

A tear drop fell from my eye as I continued to talk. "I didn't necessarily want to kill myself, but I kind of wanted my life to end. I was tired of people laughing at me, and treating me horribly. That's why I keep a diary. I could just keep all my feelings inside this little book, for no one to read. It was a way of expressing myself without having to talk to other people." I sniffed and wiped my eyes before talking again. "And when you read my diary to all those people, and everyone was laughing at me, I felt it all over again. And when I saw Danny and Catelynn kissing that night, I felt it all over again." I finished.

There was really long pause before Michael spoke. "I guess we both have our problems." I nodded. Michael sighed. "I'm sorry for reading your diary that night. It was stupid." He apologized. I nodded. "And I'm also sorry for those elementary school years. I know I was being an asshole to you all those years. And I thought it was funny, but, now I know it's not funny, and it was stupid. So I'm sorry."

I nodded and again. Michael and I sat there in silence for a couple minutes before Michael leaned forward and grabbed his phone from the coffee table. He stood up and started typing stuff on his phone. Seconds later, a slow song was playing from his phone. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you doing."

"Redoing the dance." Michael said, grabbing me by my hands and lifting me off the couch.

"Huh?" I said.

He sighed. "When we went to the dance, it obviously didn't end so well. So I'm redoing it right here in this living room," he said quietly. "No fighting, no arguing, just dancing and talking." He said pulling me closer to his body, and I started to feel weird.

"But I can't dance." I made up an excuse.

"Yes you can. You always used to dance around the classroom in elementary school." Okay, he got me there. I guess I'm just gonna have to dance with him.

The slow song continued to play and Michael let go of my hands and placed them on my waist. It felt really weird. I never thought I would let Michael of all people touch me like that.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and we started rocking to the music. It felt kind of awkward, and kind of not awkward. I guess you can say it felt...nice, but still awkward!

Michael smirked at me. "Don't be shy, Alonzo." He said, pulling me even closer to him, now we were only centimeters apart and our breaths were mixing. My eyes widened as I looked into Michael's dark brown eyes.

"I-I'm not shy." I stuttered. "It just feels weird. Don't you feel weird? I think you feel weird." I said.

Michael shook his head. "Nope."

Michael and I awkwardly finished dancing to the music. When we were done, we both stepped away from each other. "See. Now wasn't that nice?" Michael said with a huge smile on his face.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." I smiled once more before turning around and speed walking out of the house.

Okay, that was weird. I thought to myself as I walked over to my house.

I unlocked the front door and walked in the living room. "Mel!" My mom yelled, running over to me. She hung up her phone and threw it on the couch. "Where were you last night! I was worried to death! I was just about to call the police!"

"I'm fine mom, I just had to uh..." There was no point in lying, because for starters, I'm a bad lier. And also because my mom would know I'm lying and interrogate me until I told the truth. "I had to take Michael to a hotel."

My moms eyes widened. "Don't tell me you didn't-"

My eyes widened. "No!" I yelled. I knew my mom was probably thinking that Michael and I "did some things" in the hotel. Pft. Never in a million years

"Oh, thanks heavens." He said, taking a breath of relief. I rolled my eyes. "Why did you have to take him to a hotel? And why didn't you consult me first?"

"I had to take him to a hotel because he had gotten drunk, and if I took him home, he would've gotten in trouble. And I didn't consult you first because I didn't bring my cell phone, and the hotel phone had roaches crawling all over it." I explained.

My mom shivered at the thought of the roaches on the phone. My mom hated bugs. "You did something nice? For Michael? I thought you hated him."

"I do."

"So why would you be so nice to him?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know!"

My mom shrugged. "I'm just glad you're alright." She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. "But you're grounded for the rest of the week for going out without my permission." She smiled before walking into the kitchen.

I let out a groan before walking up the stairs.

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