8: The Boy Next Door

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"No Mel, you can not wear that to the dinner." My mom yelled.

"Why not?" I asked. I was wearing black, ripped jeans, a red sweatshirt, and my usual black converse-which I need to get another pair of, because I wear them basically with everything, and their starting to tear up.

"Because, you have to dress nice for stuff like this!" She yelled in frustration. My eyes widened, but it was nothing new. We always stressed mom out, I could basically see her gray hairs coming when she yelled at us. "Now go put on one of your nice casual dresses, your high heel boots, a nice sweater, and put your hair up in a ponytail." She demanded and left my room.

I groaned and did what she said. I rummaged through my closet and picked out a blue floral dress that stopped a little above my knees that I got from Forever 21 last year. I picked out a black sweater and I grabbed my black high heel boots. I put it all on, and then put my naturally wavy hair into a high ponytail.

I looked myself in the mirror and shrugged. I looked nice, but if much rather have my sweatshirt, jeans, and converse!

I grabbed my purse and my phone and went downstairs. Nick is so lucky that he doesn't have to go to this thing. He gets to have fun in Washington D.C. with his senior class! Man I can't wait to be a senior.

"Is everyone ready?" My mom said, grabbing her purse.

"Yeah." Carter and I mumbled under our breaths. The only reason why I want to go to this thing, is to do my plan to get my diary back.

"Wait." My mom walked over to Carter. She licked her fingers and rubbed her fingers in his hair to smooth it out.

"Ew, mommy!" Carter swatted moms hand away as I bursted out into laughter.

"Alright, Pablo, kids, let's go." We all walked out of the door and walked to Michael's house.

When we were at the front door, we rung the doorbell. A couple minutes later, a lady and a man opened the door and gave us a warm smile. "Hello! Come in, come in." The lady said and moved to the side and we all stepped in. The house looked kind of similar to our house.

Michael then walked in and smirked at me. He nodded. "Alonzo."

I rolled my eyes. "Your parents seem nice...unlike you."

Michael shook his head. "Those aren't my parents. It's my aunt and uncle."

I looked at him. "Oh, where are you parents?"

"They died, remember."

Realization hit me as I remembered on day from kindergarten...

"You're parents are so poor, when they find a penny on the side walk, they think they win the lottery!" Michael yelled. Back then, we used to tell lame jokes that insult the others parents. I sat and watched Dylan as Michael go on with the stupid jokes as I glared at them.

"Well, your parents are so fat, they-"

Michael interrupted Dylan. "I don't have any parents."

"Huh?" Dylan said, giving Michael a confused look.

"My parents died."

I snapped out of my memory and faced Michael. "Oh...I forgot, sorry."

Michael shrugged his shoulders. "Okay everyone," Michael's aunt called out. "We're so happy that the Alonzo family could make it to our dinner." Michael rolled his eyes as his aunt continued talking. "So we're going to have a nice dinner of noodle casserole that I made." She said.

Michael whispered in my ear. "I have to warn you, she's a terrible cook."

"It can't be that bad." I said.

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