20: The Boy Next Door

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When we all got to Danny's house, we slowly got out of the cars and looked up at Danny's house in amazement. The house was freaking huge. I didn't know Danny was filthy rich. Ah, can he get anymore perfect?

I looked around and noticed that there were a couple people passed out on the lawn. Wow, some people have already gotten drunk out of their heads.

The music was blaring as there were people dancing everywhere. I noticed some people who were outside that went to Red Valley High School. And some people didn't. I guess Danny was this popular.

"Mel, you made it." I heard Danny's voice. I turned around and smiled. I hugged him. When we separated, I looked at him. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. He looked good like always. "And I see you brought some friends." He said, looking at Catelynn, Michael, and Dylan.

"I brought one friend, the other two bozos over there decided to come theirselves." I said.

Danny laughed. "It's cool. The more people, the better the party." He smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth.

"Well alright! Let's go!" Catelynn yelled with excitement as she grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me inside the house.

When we got in the house, the music got louder. There were some people playing Call of Duty on the huge flat screen TV, and there were a lot of people dancing, or should I say grinding in the living room. There were people making out in the kitchen, there were people making out in random corners, basically there were a lot of people making out. There were also people standing around, talking with red cups in there hands.

"I'm gonna go get a soda." I told Catleynn as I made my way over to the cooler in the kitchen. I opened the cooler and grabbed a can of Sprite. I opened the can and started drinking out of it.

"Boo!" I jumped and spit my Sprite out in shock.

I whipped my head around to find Justin laughing his ass off. "It's not funny. You scared the shit out of me."

Justin finished laughing and wiped the tear from his eye. He rubbed his stomach and wrapped an arm around me, leading me outside. "I need to ask you a favor." Justin said.

I rolled my eyes. "You know I hate doing favors for people."

"Yeah, you need to work on that." He said as we went outside.

"I'll try." I said. "What's your favor?"

Justin lead me to the backyard. There was a gigantic pool in the backyard. Some people were in the pool, some people were laughing and talking at the table. "See that girl." Justin asked, pointing to a girl.

Her name is Jessica Reed. She has long brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She was sitting at the pool with her feet in the pool. She was wearing a red bikini and her hair was in a messy bun.

Jessica was captain of the volleyball team. She was known around the school for her volleyball skills. She is also a black belt in karate. But not many boys want to date her because she's so tough. I've never really talked to her though. She could be nice, or she could be an asshole like everyone else at Red Valley High School. I have yet to find out.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Justin. "That's Jessica Reed. What about her?"

"I need you to hook me up with her." He said, starring at Jessica.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why me? I don't even talk to her."

"Just do it, please."

"Why do you want to date her? You do know she can karate chop you?" I said.

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now