24: The Boy Next Door

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"Now this is a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute and sit right there and tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel air."

I looked up and glared at Nick as he watched The Fresh Prince of Bel Air in the living room and sang along to the theme song. "Will you shut up!" I yelled over his singing. "I'm trying to do homework."

Nick turned around and looked at me. "Never interrupt the fresh prince." He said, turning back around and singing again.

I groaned before taking my biology book and leaving the kitchen table. I walked upstairs and opened the door to my room. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Carter lying on my bed, shirtless, and watching the Cartoon Network show, The Amazing World of Gumball. "What the heck are you doing?" I asked.

"The TV in my room is broken, so mommy said I can watch yours."

I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes before closing the door back and walking down the hallway into dads office. I sat in the big, comfy, leather chair and opened my biology book. Finally, a nice, peaceful place to do my homework-

I looked up when the door busted open and my dad barged in. "Mel? What are you doing in my office."

"Homework." I said.

"Why don't you do it in the kitchen like you normally do?"

"Nick's downstairs watching TV and I can't concentrate."

"Sorry, Mel. But I gotta work."

I threw my head back in frustration and got up. I walked downstairs and out of the house. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I need a peaceful place to do my homework and Michael's house is probably the closest I can get to it. I already have a C in biology, I need to do this homework.

I knocked on Michael's front door and waited for someone to open the door. I watched the door swing open and Michael appeared. "Alonzo? What are-" Before he could finish the sentence, I barged in the house and walked inside. Michael put a confused look on his face and closed the door.

"Can I do my homework in here. My house is too busy." I asked.

"Well, you're already in, so you might as well." He said, walking into the living room.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Where are your aunt and uncle?" I asked curiously, looking around the house.

"At work." He said, sitting on the couch a few feet away from me.

"Oh," I muttered. I looked down at my textbook and stared reading number seven.

7. What is the the largest taxonomic group of classification?

I thought for a while before shrugging my shoulders and writing an answer.


I was about to start reading the next question right before Michael's voice interrupted me. "That's not the right answer."

I rolled my eyes and faced him. "Then what is the right answer?" I asked.

"It's Domain." I looked down at my paper and erased my incorrect answer and put the right answer. "Wait, are you setting me up for failure?"

Michael shook his head. "No. You can remember the taxonomic groups by saying the acronym, Did King Phillip Come Over For Great Sex."

I laughed and shook my head at Michael's dirty, yet kind of funny joke.


I sat on my couch, flipping through the channels on the TV as I heard knocking on the door. I turned my head to the door and flicked by eyes over to the clock hanging in the kitchen. It was ten o'clock pm and I was home alone. Mom and dad were on some anniversary dinner, Nick went to a concert with his dumb girlfriend, and Carter was at a sleepover.

My mind was telling me that if I open that door, the person would take his knife and stab it right in my face.

But I thought that it was probably just a normal person at the door, so I stood up and walked toward the door. I slowly opened it. When I saw that the source at the door was Catelynn, I shut the door swiftly without hesitation.

"Mel, come on, open the door." She begged.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was still spurious with Catelynn. What did she have to say to me? It must've been really important if she had to Coke knocking on my freaking door at ten o'clock at night.

Deciding I wanted to hear this, I reached my arm out and opened the door. Carekynn had her fat, puffy coat on, which she hated wearing unless it was super cold outside, so I'm guessing it was freezing.

Catelynn stepped inside the house and unzipped her coat. She took it off and threw it on the floor. "Mel, can we please talk." I crossed my arms over my chest, but bothering to respond. "Look, I know you're pissed about what you saw. I know how much you liked Danny, and to see me kissing him, I couldn't imagine the half of how mad you are at me."

I rolled my eyes. "If you came here to remind me of the events, then I don't want to hear it."

"I came here to fix things." Catelynn cried. I stared at her as she talked. "Mel, you are my best friend in the entire world. And I-I, I want to explain, but this is harder than I expected."

I put a confused glare on my face. "What?"

Catelynn crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the floor. I shook my head and walked over to the couch. I sat back on the couch and grabbed the remote to continue flipping through the my channels.

Catelynn obviously was making this apology a little too difficult, so I don't have the patience to listen anymore.

If I were really her best friend in the entire world, she would've kissed Danny in the first place.

Catelynn locked up and walked in front of me. I sighed as she blocked my view of the TV. "So that's it? You're not gonna listen?"

I looked down and didn't bother to reply. Catelynn waited for a few seconds before a look of sadness crossed her face and she nodded. "Okay. Bye, Mel." She muttered before walking toward the front door. "And I'm sorry." She said before opening the door and leaving.

When I heard her car drive off, I let out a huge, loud, frustrated groan and planted my face in one of the throw pillows.


Hey guys, Here's a new chapter for ya, I just need to say again to please do the following:


If you don't do at least one of the following, I will be very sad :-(

Yeah anyway, have a nice day.

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