9: The Boy Next Door

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"Happy Birthday, Mel!!!!" I heard people scream and I popped out of my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked to my right to see Mom, Dad, Nick, and Carter staring at me like I was some kind of science experiment.

As much as it was nice of them to do this, I still didn't like being woken up, even if it was my birthday. And it most definitely didn't feel like my birthday. A perfect birthday would be sleeping late, waking up to birthday pie- and yes I said pie, drinking endless Starbucks coffee, not having to go to Red Valley High School, home of the assholes, and not having to deal with an idiot next door.

But that's too bad, because I cant have any of that stuff! Well except for the birthday pie; I get that every year...

"Thanks, guys." I mumbled, swinging my legs out of my bed and getting up.

"So, Mel, how does it feel to be sixteen?" My dad asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "It feels exactly the same, dad." I wasn't trying to be rude, but don't you just hate it when people ask how you feel to be an age? Like, it feels exactly the same.

"Are you excited for your Sweet Sixteen on Saturday?" My mom asked.

My eyes widened. I completely forgot about my Sweet Sixteen on Saturday! I know you're thinking, What kind of person forgets about their Sweet Sixteen? Well, if you had an annoying little brother on your hands, a rude big brother in your life, a stressed out, crazy mother on your case, a school full of assholes, and a jerk next door, then you would understand.

Now I have to get everything planned, and pass out the invitations. I had everything planned out in my diary, but it's currently in the hands of a conceited, annoying jerk named Michael Richards. God knows what he's doing with that thing.

I turned towards my parents and smiled. "Mel! You don't have all day! Go get dressed for school!" My mom yelled. Ah, there's the mom I know. Carter and Nick snickered and I glared at them. She smiled. "Oh, and then come downstairs for your birthday pie." With that, everyone left my room.

I sighed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back to my room. Since todays supposed to be a good day, I need to wear something more, you know, spectacular.

I went through my closet and took out a black skater skirt, a burgundy long sleeved crop top, and my brown combat boots. I put the stuff on and looked myself in the mirror. I licked my fingers and slid them on my eyebrows, you know how they do in the movies when they think they look all good...

I grabbed my back pack and headed downstairs. My birthday pie was waiting for me to destroy it on the dining table. Everyone gathered around the table. My mom put a candle in the pie and lit it. Everyone sung happy birthday- and of course my mom took a video, like every other year- and I blew out the candle. We then started devouring the pie, and in a matter of one minute, the pie was gone.

After that, Nick drove Carter and I to school. When he got to my school, I got up and entered Red Valley High School, home of the assholes. Obviously, you people can see that I love calling my school Red Valley High School, home of the assholes.

When I was inside the school, I went to my locker. I put in the combination and opened it. I took out the books that I needed and close it. When I turned around, I jumped in surprise. "Happy Birthday, Mel!" Justin screamed in my face. At least he said that instead of thunder cock.

I smiled. "Thanks."

Justin smiled. "I would give you your present today, but I'll wait until your party."

"Aw, why?"

Justin opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by Dana McNell. Her bleached hair was in a high ponytail. She was wearing a flower crown on her head that made her look all sweet and innocent. She had a huge smile on her face and she was carrying another box of cupcakes. Justin licked his lips. "Oo, more cupcakes." He reached to grab a cupcake and Dana swatted his hand away.

"These aren't for you Justin...but if you give me a kiss on the cheek, I'll give you one." Justin furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. I almost gagged at her desperateness. It's kind of sad.

She turned towards me and smiled. She took out a cupcake and handed it to me. "Happy birthday, Mel."

I raised my eyebrows. She never calls me Mel. She usually always calls me Melody. And I usually always call her Shit Head...well in my mind.

I gave her a fake smile as she walked away. I walked to the trash can and threw the cupcake in the trash, right were it belonged.

"Well that wasn't nice," Justin said as he walked over to me. "What if it was actually a happy birthday cupcake?"

I shook my head. "It was just one of her tricks to get me to vote for her for Student Body President." I said. "I don't get it. What's so important about Student Body President anyway?"

"Well, Dana loves attention, and the Student Body President does get a lot of attention. And the Student Body President gets one page in the yearbook for herself."

I nodded my head. "That explains it."


Nick, Carter, and I entered the house. "Hey, Nick. Let's play Mortal Kombat." Carter said to Nick.

"No, Carter. I have to-"


"Alright fine!"

I snickered. Ha! Now Nick has to go through the pain.

I went upstairs and into my room. I threw my back pack down and sat on my bed. I would take my laptop out and watch a season of Pretty Little Liars, but I don't get my new laptop until next week.

"Alonzo!" I heard Michaels voice. I sighed and went to my window. What did he want now? I opened the curtain and slid my window open. "Come outside."

Without bothering to fight back, I went out of my room. I went downstairs and out the front door. When I was outside, Michael came out. His hands were behind his back. "What's up, Alonzo?"

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?"

Michael laughed and removed his hands from behind his back. He was carrying a small box. He handed it to me and I gave him a weird look before taking the box. The box had "The Cupcake Shake" written on it.

I opened the box to see a chocolate cupcake in it. I looked up at Michael. "Happy Birthday, Alonzo."

"You got me a cupcake?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I was getting one for myself, but then I read your diary and found out your birthday was today. But I only got you the cupcake because I had a coupon for the Cupcake Shack."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess thanks for the cupcake."

Michael shrugged his shoulders. "No biggie."

I sighed. Now, we were both standing there awkwardly. After about two minutes of awkward and uncomfortable silence, I broke the silence. "Uh, it's pretty cold out here...I'm-I'm gonna go inside."

"Okay." He said.

I nodded before we both walked back to our houses. When I was inside, I sighed and sat on the living room couch. I ate the cupcake, which was delicious as heck, and threw the box in the trash when I was done.


Things will start getting interesting pretty soon so keep reading you guys. Thanks for everything, we love you all! Please, please vote and comment and thanks again to all our wonderful readers!

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