16: The Boy Next Door

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"Kill me now!" I yelled.

My mother shook her head. "Mel don't say that. It's just for one week. This should be fun for you guys."

I groaned and hit my head against the wall. "Why. Why. Why. Why. Why." I said as I repeatedly hit my head against the wall.

"Mel stop that before you get a concussion." My dad said.

I turned around to face my family in the living room. "I'm not going." I said, folding my arms.

My mom got up from the couch and slowly walked over to me. "This is the grown ups decision and it's not going to change!" She yelled and my eyes widened in terror. "All of us are going and it is final!"

I threw my hands up in defense and walked up the stairs. Okay, okay, I know all of you are confused. So let me tell you about the horrible events that have happened.

Over the weeks, Michael's aunt and uncle and my parents have become really close friends. Every now and then, they always go out for coffee and go on stupid double dates, so they've just become the best of friends! I'm so happy that they've gotten along (note my sarcasm). So, Christmas is coming in a couple days. And I was so excited for Christmas, waking up on a snowy day in my Christmas pajamas, running downstairs to rip open some presents, and drink hot chocolate and watch Netflix all day. Well that was until Michael's aunt and uncle and my parents came up with an idea.

They just randomly decided, "Hey, how about both of our family's take a nice sunny trip to California for the Christmas Holidays!"

Then my parents called us all down to the living room for the big news. Now I want to jump off a cliff.

They have literally ruined my Christmas. They all know that I hate Michael. So what is this supposed to be? Some kind of punishment?  I don't even want to go to California for Christmas! I wan to stay home in California with the snow at my own house! And what's even worse is that I have to go with the person I hate!

And what's even worse is we're leaving tomorrow. And what's more worse is that all the kids have to share one room. So that means me, Michael, Nick, and Carter in one freaking room. I don't think life can get any worse than this.

So now I'm stuck. I'm stuck! We're leaving for California tomorrow and I'm stuck on this stupid trip for an entire week with Michael.

I mumbled words under my breath as I went upstairs and slammed my bedroom door. "Kids! Start packing!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I walked to my closet and snatched one of my suitcases from the back of my closet. I sling it on the floor and unzipped it.

I opened a bunch of my drawers and slung a bunch of clothes out. I started throwing random clothes and shoes in my suitcase. I threw a bathing suite in and a couple of books and zipped the suitcase back up. I violently kicked it to the corner of my bed room and folded my arms as I looked at my horrible packing.

I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. This is going to be a long week.


"Wake up, Mel!" My mom yelled, snatching the covers off me.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Mom! I told you not to do that anymore!" Don't you just hate when your parents snatch the covers off you!

"Just get up and get dressed. We're about to leave for California."

I gave my mom a look of annoyance before turning my head to look at my digital clock. "Ugh it's four o'clock in the morning." I whined.

My mom rubbed her head in frustration. "Mel. Get out of the bed, get dressed, and let's go!" She yelled through gritted teeth.

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