25: The Boy Next Door

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I heard my doorbell ring and I got up from the couch and opened the door. Michael came into view and I curiously raised my eyebrows. "May I help you?" I asked, putting an inquisitive look on my face.

"Yeah. By giving me food." He said, barging into my house.

I turned around to look at him. "Sure, come on in." I said sarcastically, shutting the door and following Michael to the kitchen, where he was walking in to.

Michael opened my refrigerator door and started grabbing random stuff out of it. "I'm starving. I haven't eaten breakfast, I didn't eat the school lunch because it tastes like ass, and a growing boy has to eat." He informed as he pulled out more junk from the refrigerator.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched Michael. He took the two slices of bread he had and spread some Nutella on it. Then he took the pickles and started slapping it on top of the Nutella. Then he took the potato chips and started crunching them on top of the pickles.

I put a disgusted look on my face as Michael topped the last price of bread on top and took a huge bite. "You can eat that, but don't puke in my kitchen." I said, walking to the living and grabbing my cell phone from the coffee table.

I glanced over at Michael as he began to devour his...whatever that is. I didn't realize I'd been staring at him until he uttered the words, "Like what you see?" Michael smirked and I rolled my eyes.

I looked down at my phone to see three missed calls from Catelynn and five missed text messages from Danny. I gritted my teeth and glared at my phone screen. I slammed my phone on the kitchen counter and Michael snapped his head up on surprise.

"What's got your Cinderella underwear in a twist?" Michael asked. I shot him a glare. "Sorry." He muttered.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "It's just Catelynn and Danny. I'm sick of them texting and calling for apologies. Because if they haven't realized, it's not working!" I yelled.

Michael sighed. "Sorry, Alonzo."

I paused for a while before speaking again. "What should I do?" I asked.

Michel put down his deformed and misshapen sandwich and crossed his arms over my chest. "You should get revenge." He said with a chuckle afterwards.

My mouth formed an O shape and I pointed my index finger at him. "We could go all Paper Towns and I could use Nair to remove Danny's eyebrows and Saran Wrap Catelynn's car. Then I could spray paint my signature 'M' to let them know." I said, putting a huge smirk on my face.

Michael threw his head back and laughed. "Alonzo, I was only kidding."

"It's too late. I can't believe I haven't thought of this." I said, running my fingers through my hair. I feel as if a light bulb is floating above my head due to the ideas running through my mind about this revenge.

Michael smiled and shrugged. "Sure." He paused for a few seconds before talking. "Did we just form a revenge plot?"

"We did." I replied, hopping up onto the kitchen counter.

When Michael suggested the revenge plan, I was instantly up for it. Mess with Mel, you get revenge. I can't believe I haven't thought of this earlier.

"So what kind of revenge are we talking?" I asked.

Michael shrugged. "I am the Revenge King." Michael grabbed his sandwich and head for the front door. "Trust me, I have a few things in mind." He said leaving the house.

I raised my eyebrows and hopped off the kitchen counter with a smirk on my face.


It is currently two o'clock in the morning and my parents have no idea that I'm gone. And if they find out, I might get in a hell hole of trouble. But it'll be worth it, because tonight is revenge night. And I want to get them good.

So I snuck out of my house, and ran over to Michael's house. Michael's aunt an uncle were in a business trip, so he wasn't in risk of any trouble.

When Michael opened the door, I barged in and he closed the door. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"I didn't think you were actually gonna do this." He said.

I glared. "Of course I'm gonna do it."

Michael shrugged. "Okay. So are we gonna go now?"

"I need to do one thing first." I said, digging inside my pocket and fishing out my eye liner. I opened it and out one line under each eye like I was about to go into war zone.

Michael glared at me. "Are you kidding me? We're getting revenge, not going into war."

I stuck my eye liner back in my pocket, ignoring his response. "Do you have the duct tape and the permanent marker?"

"Yeah," Michael said, showing me the roll of duct tape and the red permanent marker. "Do you have the camera?" I nodded, holding up the camera. "So are we ready?"

"Yup." I said, heading towards the front door.

I can't believe we're doing this; Michael and I teaming up to get revenge on my ex boyfriend and ex best friend. It feels weird to be sneaking out this late to do bad things to people, but I'm Melody Alonzo, there's nothing I can't handle.

When we were outside, Michael locked the door and we both ran to his car. When we were both inside the car, Michael turned towards me and smiled. "You ready to get sweet revenge?"

I smiled and almond down in the leather seat. "More than ready."


So please keep reading because it's gonna be good. Please, please, please, please vote and comment!

Alright keep reading and see ya later!

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