37: The Boy Next Door

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"Welcome to Sally's Sassy Dolls, where you get the cutest little dolls that make your dreams come true." I managed to force that saying out of myself.

My first costumer was a little girl named Lily. She had chocolate all over her mouth and she looked hyper as if her mom let her have too much candy.

Lily pointed to the doll on the table next to me. "What's that ones name?" She asked.

"Uh," I looked at the doll and read the name tag in front of it. "Her name is Frankie."

"What does she like to do?"

"Uh," Crap! I forgot to read the doll manual last night. Now I know nothing about any of the dolls. I guess I can make shit up and hopefully the kids will buy it. "Um, she likes to bake."

"So does she come with an oven and a cook book?" Lily asked, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes?" I said, but it came out as a question.

"I want Frankie, mommy!" Lily said, tugging on her moms shirt.

"Alright," Her mom picked up the doll and walked to the cashier table.

Taylor smiled. "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, My daughter will take Frankie."

"Oo, good choice. I'll go get the toy monkeys and birds and then I'll ring you up." Taylor said, about to turn around before Lily's mom said something.

"Wait a second, what monkeys and birds? My daughter is terribly afraid of animals."

"But Frankie is a jungle ranger. She likes animals."

"No, the young salesgirl over there told us that Frankie likes to bake and that she comes with an oven and a cookbook."


"Oh, well I guess she made a mistake." Taylor stated.

"We don't have time for this. Lily, we'll get you a doll from somewhere else." The mom said before they both left the shop.

I winced and threw my head back. I'm already doing a crappy job and I've only had one costumer.

"What was that?" I heard Dana's voice. I turned towards her. "How could you mess up on your first costumer? Did you even read the doll manual?"

"No," I mumbled.

Dana groaned. "Stop screwing things up." She spat before walking over to her table.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. This is going to be a long five hours.


Let's just say that not reading the doll manual can get you in a lot of trouble. And when I say this, I mean, I got fired...on my first fucking day on the job.

Yes, my mom gave me an hour lecture and she yelled her head off until she couldn't yell anymore, and I did not enjoy it. But I guess that's what I deserve for not reading the stupid doll manual when I was supposed to.

I didn't want to work there anyway, so this whole thing is technically my moms fault!

But there was one thing that was still bothering me other than getting fired from my job on the first day, and that was Michael.

He is still furious with me. I don't know what it's gonna take for him to forgive me. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna stop by his house right now. And he's going to forgive me.

I walked out of the house a few minutes after my mom got done yelling and walked across my yard. I was going to knock on the door, but I twisted the doorknob to see it was already unlocked.

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