14: The Boy Next Door

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The school bell rung and I closed my locker. I started walking down the hallway to chemistry class. I entered the room and sat at my table next to Danny. I stared at him for a few seconds, but quickly looked away when I realized it was creepy...

"Alright, class," The chemistry teacher, Ms. Walsh called out. "Today you will be doing an experiment. Take out your lab notebooks and write done the materials." I took out my chemistry notebook out of the stack of books and opened it to an empty page. "You will need to mix the sodium chloride with the blue liquid and the green liquid with the sodium phosphate..." I listened to Ms. smith as she continued to talk.

When she was done with the directions, I got up and went to the back closet to get the materials. When I came back, I put theater oaks on the table and Danny smiled at me. "Ready to get started?" He asked.

I smiled. "Yeah." Danny nodded and picked up a beaker with blue liquid. He was about to mix it before I quickly grabbed the beaker from him. "No no, that's the sodium phosphate. You're supposed to mix the blue liquid with the sodium chloride." I corrected him.

"Oh, sorry." He then mixed the blue liquid in the sodium chloride. We wrote down our observations in our notebooks and then I poured the green liquid in the sodium phosphate. When we were done, Ms. Smith came to look at everything we did and she gave us an A. This class would've been burnt down if I'd let him pour that blue liquid in the sodium phosphate...

A few minutes later, the bell rang and I grabbed my books and stormed out of class. "Mel, wait!" I heard Danny call out.

I turned around to look at him. He walked out of the classroom and walked over to me. "Yes?" I asked, my voice sounding a little too anxious.

"I wanted to ask you something."

My heart then pounded uncontrollably and nervously. A smile slowly grew on my face. "Yes?" I asked again, my voice coming out even more anxious.

"Do...do you wanna go or with me?"

"Yes!" I yelled, then mentally slapped myself for doing it. "I mean...sure...yeah...whatever." I said, trying to play it off, but it wasn't helping at all.

I can't believe this. Danny Martin is actually asking me out, right here, right now. And no, this is not my imagination this time. He's actually asking me out. "Cool, so you want to go on a date tomorrow night?"

"Yes." I said with a huge smile.

"Awesome. I'll pick you up at eight."

"Yes." I said again.

He laughed. "Okay, see you then."

"Yes." Well this is embarrassing. He probably thinks I have some kind of speech impediment or something.

He laughed and walked away.

Cue the fireworks and angle singing! My dream has come true! I walked down the hallway with a huge smile on my face. I probably looked like an idiot, but I didn't care, because I go out with Danny Martin!


"Hey, Nick, let's play Wii Sports!" Carter yelled as he opened the door to Nicks car and ran into the house. I'm so glad that Nick now has to go through the pain of Carter's constant video game playing.

Nick groaned and got out of the car. I got out of the car and walked to the front door, but before I knew it, someone grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me backwards. "Ah!" I screamed. "I'm being kidnapped!" I yelled front the top of my lungs.

"Alonzo, shut up." Michael's voice snapped.

I gritted my teeth and snatched my west from his grip. I turned around to look at him. "Why are you-"

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