40: The Boy Next Door

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"No, Carter. I told you, photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of plants!" I said for the hundredth time, picking a leaf off the plant we had in our front yard and shoving it in his face.

Carter never usually asked me for help on homework, but of course it had to be today, on a Saturday afternoon.

He didn't get photosynthesis, and while I was actually enjoying my Saturday afternoon, relaxing and listening to my music, he bombarded me and asked me for help on his science homework, which I refused, but my mom of course forced me to help him.

"Stop yelling at me!" He yelled.

"It's simple, Carter! Just—"

"Mel!" I heard a familiar voice screech. I turned around to see Catelynn running towards my yard.

"Ew, Catelynn," Carter said in a disgusted tone before going back inside. Carter hated Catelynn for some reason, but I didn't care enough to ask him why.

"Hey, Cate— Whoa!" I said when Catelynn ran up to me, giving me a huge, tight hug, nearly tackling me. "Why are you so happy today?" I asked as she let go of me.

She smiled at me for a few seconds before speaking. "My moms out of the hospital...her cancer's gone!"

My mouth widened. "Are you serious?!" I yelled, grabbing her by the shoulders.

Catelynn nodded and I put a huge smile on my face. We both all of a sudden started screaming and happy dancing all over the place.

"What are you two doing? You guys look like idiots." I heard an annoying voice chime in, in the middle of our happy dancing.

I turned to see Dylan, looking at us with raised eyebrows. "Go away," I deadpanned when I saw him.

"No, M-Dog." He said, walking further into my yard. I glared at him, just now remembering the stupid nickname he'd given me a while back.

"M-Dog?" Catelynn asked with a confused face expression.

I waved off the situation and crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for Dylan to say something, hopefully an explanation as to why he's still standing in my front yard.

We all stood there in awkward silence for quite a while before I heard more familiar voices approaching.

"Sup, people," I heard Justin's voice. I looked in the direction of the voice to see Justin and Jessica walking towards us. Justin had his arm slung around Jessica's shoulders and Jessica's arm was wrapped around his waist.

I smiled. "Aw...you two are so disgusting,"

Justin glared at me and Jessica laughed and shook her head. I put a confused look on my face. "Can someone explain to me how you all ended up in my front yard? I know why Catelynn is here, but why are the rest of you here?" I said, not caring if it came out mean.

"I came here to copy your geometry homework, and I just brought Jessica." Justin said.

I glared at him. "You came to copy my homework?" I shrugged. "I'm not surprised."

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I heard yet another voice chime in.

We all turned to see Michael walking in our direction. I smile as he walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Aw...you two are so disgusting," Jessica said, mocking me from what I said earlier.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's cute," Catelynn said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I knew you two would be together someday."

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