18: The Boy Next Door

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It's Christmas!" Carters screeching voice made me pop up out of my bed. I rubbed my eyes. Carter ran over to me and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me off my bed. I fell on the floor. And it hurt, but I was too tired to react. "Get up! It's Christmas!" He yelled again. "Get up! It's C-"

"Shut up! We heard you!" Nick yelled, getting off the couch he was sleeping in.

Carter stuck his tongue out at Nick before running into the hallway. I looked over at Michael as he got up from his bed. He turned towards me and started laughing. "What is it this time?" I asked.

"Well, you look like the grinch." He stated.

I glared at him before getting up and walking to the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and jumped in surprise. I did look like the grinch. My hair was all over the place, my eyes were crusty, and I had dry drool on the side of my lip.

I brushed my teeth and washed and face. I brushed my hair and went back outside. Everyone was already gathered around the tree. Yeah, the grown ups set up a stupid fake Christmas tree in the hotel room. But who cared about the tree, I was looking at the presents.

I love asked over to everyone and sat on the floor. "Merry Christmas, everyone." Michael's aunt said with excitement. Nobody replied.

"Alright, shall we open these presents?" My dad said, sipping some coffee out of his "Worlds Worst Father" mug. Yes, the mug literally said Worlds Worst Father. But the only reason why he got it was because it was on sale for sixty percent off.

Carter was the first one to rip open one of his presents, of course. When he unwrapped the present and took it out, Nick and I both slapped our hands on our faces. "Yes! Pokèmon Wii game!" Carter exclaimed. Great, another video game for him to force us to play.

Everyone then started ripping up their presents. I ended up getting a pair of beats headphones, new shoes, some jewelry, some clothes, and some more money for shopping. And the other people got...oh who cares what they got.

After opening the presents, my mom made us all hot chocolate and we sat in the living area of the hotel room. Carter, of course burned his tongue on the first sip.

But for the remainder of the Christmas Day, we just watched Christmas movies, drank hot chocolate, and stayed in the hotel room.

But in a couple of days, it was time for us to leave... And I couldn't have been happier. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love California, but the fact that I have to be here with Michael, and then the seventeen hour drive, who wants to go through all that torture?

We woke up at four o'clock in the morning again on the day we were leaving to go back home. We packed up all our stuff, and got back in the mini van for another painful, and long drive back to Colorado.

But luckily, this time there was no Britney Spears singing.

When the painful seventeen hours were over, we finally got back home. The grown ups said there goodbyes while all of us just went inside our houses. I was just glad to be home already.

When I got to my room; I slammed my door shut and slung my suitcase to a corner of my room. I plopped down on my bed and my eyes slowly closed and I was about to go to sleep until I heard my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my pocket. I clicked it on and saw that it was a message from Danny. I huge smile grew on my face as I read it.

Danny: Hey, Mel. I'm having a New Years Party in a couple weeks. It's on December 31st...well obviously, and everyone has to stay till New Years. Hope you'll be there.

I sighed as I turned my phone off. I am definitely going to be at that party.

Hey guys! So sorry that this chapter was so extremely short...but I didn't know what else to write...

But I'll try to make the next chapter longer and sorry for the long update, but we all just started high school and it's like a big huge freaking bolder has just dropped down on our shoulders. So it's gonna take a little tiny bit longer for updates.

But aside from that, please vote and comment, we would love to hear your feedback. And thanks to everyone we love ya. Goodbye.

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