4: The Boy Next Door

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I was woken from my sleep by the sound of footsteps. I'm a very light sleeper, so I can be woken by anything.

The footsteps got louder and louder and my heart started to beat rapidly. Someone's trying to kill me, I thought.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the figure going through my underwear drawers. Oh no! My diaries in there, this has to be stopped.

I quietly grabbed the baseball bat that was beside my bed and quickly flicked on the lamp. I got up and was about to swing the bat and drive the intruders head 150 yards before I realized that it was Michael. My mouth widened and I dropped the bat on the floor. "Michael?" I whisper yelled. "Are you off your nut?!"

Michael squinted his eyes in confusion. "Am I what?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why are you in my room?!" I asked. "Wait no, how did you get in here?"

"Uh, your window was unlocked." He said, pointing to the window. "You should really lock that thing before someone breaks in."

I scowled at him. "What are you doing in here?!" I looked at my digital clock and saw that it was three o'clock in the morning.

"Dylan dared me to sneak in your room and steal your diary."

I stared at him for a while before gritting my teeth. "How do you know my diary is in my underwear drawer?"

Michael shrugged. "Catelynn told me." I slapped my face with my hands and slid my hands off my face. I took a long sigh of frustration and looked at Michael, who was observing one of my underwear. He snickered. "You have Cinderella underwear? What are you, five years old?"

I snatched the underwear from him. "Says the one with the SpongeBob underwear." Michael shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, you failed at your dare. Now get out of my room." I demanded.

"Okay. Bye, Alonzo."

"Stop calling me by my last name."

"Alonzo." He called out as he climbed out the window.

I growled in frustration and got back in my bed. Ugh, I forgot to lock my window. I got up and locked my window, so that idiot wouldn't be able to get in anymore. I got back into my bed and quickly fell back to sleep.


I sat in Astronomy class, listing to my boring teacher talk. I swear she is half zombie. She walks like a zombie, and talks like a zombie. She puts half the class to sleep. I'm kind of surprised that I'm not asleep.

I looked around the class room to see that there were anole five people awake. I looked at some dude as he face planted on the desk and started snoring...okay, there are only four people awake (including me).

"So that means that the eight planet from the sun is Mars..." Ms. Eisner spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows and raised my hand. Ms. Eisner looked at me and pointed to me with her bony finger that shook as she pointed at me. "Yes, Melody."

"Um, the eight planet from the sun is Neptune...not Mars." I corrected her.

Ms. Eisner opened a cabinet on her wooden desk. She took out a pad and pen and wrote something on it. She slowly walked over to me, tore a piece of paper off of the pad, and slapped it on my desk. "Detention."

I glared at her as she walked away. I groaned in frustration and put my head down. I dozed off the sleep.

The loud sound of the bell woke me up a few minutes later and I grabbed my books headed out the class. I met Justin in the hallway. He noticed my angered look. "What's wrong this time?" He asked.

"Well...for starters, my arch enemy just moved in next door to me," I stated. "And then Ms. Eisner gave me detention for correcting her on which planet is the eight from the sun." I scowled and shook my head.

Justin snickered. "She said Mars didn't she?"

"Yup." I said. "I just wish I could take her bony little fingers and break-" I stopped mid sentence when I bumped into a hard figure. I looked up to see Danny grinning down at me and my face began to burn. "H-hey Danny." I said.

"Hey, Mel." He said, walking away in a different direction.

"Yes!" I whisper yelled.

Justin gave me a weird look. "What?"

"He remembers my name." I said as we entered the cafeteria.

Justin laughed. "What is wrong with chicks these days?" I shook my head and Justin and I both grabbed out lunches, which was hamburgers. We both sat down at or normal table.

I tore a price of my hamburger off and was about to put it in my mouth, before I saw part of the meat was pink. "Ew." I threw it and it hit Justin's face.

"Ow." He said.

I snickered before throwing that disgusting excuse for a burger in the trash can.


"Let's play Just Dance!" Carter yelled as he busted in my room.

"No. I'm doing homework. Now get out of my room, you rat." I spat at my little brother, not caring how rude it sounded. I was already tired from that stupid detention that I had to go to this afternoon. I had to clean the entire cafeteria.

"Mommy!!!!!!" Carter screamed.

I got off my bed and covered Carters mouth with my hand. "Shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Play Just Dance with me, or I'm telling Mommy that you hit me."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I gave in. These are the pains of  having little siblings...

Since the Just Dance was a Wii game, and the Wii was in my room, I turned on the Wii and inserted the Just Dance game. I handed Carter a Wii remote. "Pick a song." I told him.

"Hey Ya." He picked the song Hey Ya by OutKast.

When the song started, we began dancing. "My baby don't mess around, because she loves me so this I know for sho."

So far, I was winning, and I felt accomplished, because this was Carters payback for beating me at Call of Duty.

When the song was over, I smiled. "Ha! I win!" I yelled.

Carter stomped his foot like he was a little five year old and stormed out of my room. I snickered at him and turned the Wii off. "Hey, Alonzo." I heard the annoying voice of Michael. I slowly turned around to see Michael sticking his head out of his window. "Nice moves."

I walked over to the window and smiled and closed to curtains. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bed to finish my homework.

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now