13: The Boy Next Door

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When I heard my door bell ring, I got up from the living room couch and opened the door. Michael stood at the doorstep with a suite on. He trailed his eyes down at me, and I shifted uncomfortably. "Alonzo? You look, uh, you look-" I furrowed my eyebrows as he sighed. "Are you ready to go."

I rolled my eyes. "No. I'd much rather be in my pajamas watching Netflix."

"Aw, too bad." Michael rolled his eyes. "Now get in the car."

I grimaced at him before following outside. I closed to door behind me and walked to Michael's car.

The dress looked really good on me, and I was glad that I got it. My hair was in a half up, half down style.

I got into Michael's car and he started it up and started driving. The drive to his school was silent. When we got there, we parked in a parking spot. We both got out and walked into the school. We walked in the gym.

All heads turned towards us as we walked in slow motion down the aisle with the fan blowing in our hair...yeah, that only happens in the movies.

What really happened was we walked in and I tripped on my own high heel. Luckily, I didn't face plant to the floor, but I did earn a snicker from Michael. I waved him off and continued walking.

I turned my head over to the food table to see a table full of food. There was nachos, burgers, hot dogs, ribs, mac and cheese, pie, brownies, fruit, and a freaking chocolate fountain. Score!

I walked over to the food table and grabbed a strawberry. I stuck it under the chocolate fountain and ate the strawberry. My eyes rolled to the back of my head at how good it was. I then looked around the gym to see if anyone was watching, and I smirked and stuck my fingers in the chocolate fountain. I know it's disgusting, but I didn't care. I licked my fingers.

"Alonzo! Stop! You're embarrassing me!" Michael snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut the hell up." I wasn't here to impress him. I actually don't know why I'm here.

I grabbed a napkin and wiped my fingers with it. I looked at everyone dancing in the middle of the gym and I grimaced at the sight of the teens practically grinding on each other. This is a school dance, not a strip club.

"Mel!" I heard someone squeal my name.

I turned around to see Catleynn. She was wearing a gold and black dress and black high heels. "Hey, Cate."

"You look amazing, good choice on the dress." Catelynn pointed out.

I smiled. "Thanks. You know I-"

"Hey you two! Enough of your girl talk. I gotta go show Alonzo off to my friends." Michael grabbed me by the wrist and I rolled my eyes. Michael pulled me over to a group of people sitting at a table together. There were three boys (one of them was Dylan) and three girls, I'm guessing their a set of couples. "Dylan, Rico, Manny. This is Mel." He introduced.

"This is your date?" One of the guys asked.

"Mel is your date?!" Dylan said with more shock.

"I'm not his date. He just wanted me to come here so he wouldn't look like a l-"

"Mel!" He snapped. He turned towards the people at the table. "Yes. She is my date." He put on a fake smile while I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. He has no date. I'm just here so he won't look like a loser." I admitted. The people at the table started snickering.

Michael turned towards me and clenched his jaw. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to a corner of the gym. "Why the hell would you tell them that?" He spat.

The Boy Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now