34: The Boy Next Door

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @purplelover289 because you are awesome for voting! Thanks so much!

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So, what's the formula for a water molecule?" Catelynn asked me.

I stared at the wall in front of me, not making a single reaction.

"Mel?" Catelynn started waving her hand in front of my face. "Mel!"

"Huh?" I said, turning toward Catelynn.

"What is up with you? You asked me to come over to help you study for your exam, but you've been staring at the wall most of the time." She explained.

I grabbed one of my pillows and through it over my face. I let out a huge, frustrated groan. I put my pillow down and faced Catelynn. "I messed up," I mumbled.

Catelynn put a disappointing look on her face. "Did you break your little brother's wrist again?" She asked.

That really did happen once, but it was a complete accident. Kind of.

"No. It's not that," I sighed before continuing. "I told Michael that I think our relationship is weird."

Catelynn's eyes went wide and she shook her head. "No, Mel. Why?" Catelynn's tone was so upsetting that it felt like I'd ended the world or something. "You never tell a boy who likes you that it's weird. You probably like, crushed his soul."

"Crushed his soul?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Catelynn nodded her head. "Why do you think it's weird? I actually think it's kind of cute that he likes you." She said with a smile and a blush growing on her cheeks.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, last night, he had this taco dinner set up, and you know tacos are my favorite food. And he said it was like a first date, and he had a huge smile on his face, and he was being all cute and romantic, and nice, and he leaned in to kiss me, and I panicked." I explained, taking a deep breath from talking too fast afterwards.

"Aw." She said with a huge smile.

I cringed and plopped by back down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling as a million things ran through my mind. I've never been so confused and I don't even freaking know why.

"Wow, Mel. You're pretty screwed about this." Catelynn said, crossing her legs and resting her face in the palms of her hands. "I thought you liked Michael."

"I do, but last night... I don't know, I guess I got nervous. I got nervous about starting a relationship with Michael because we've hated each other for such a long time. And I guess the fact we like each other kind of freaked me out."

"Ah," Catelynn said in an understanding tone. "Well, you can't focus on how much you hated each other, Mel. If you like him, and he likes you, then just let it be."

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself up. "This is all starting to sound like a cheesy romance movie." I got up from my bed and paced around my room. "How about I just stay away from him." I said, pointing my index finger at Catelynn.

"No, Mel. I didn't say to stay away from him. You need to embrace the fact that you like each oth—"

"Don't even finish that sentence." I interrupted. Catelynn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm staying away from Michael. I mean, he's furious with me anyway, so this can be good for both of us. I can get my mind off of him, and he doesn't have to be mad at me anymore." I said, nodding my head as I plotted out the plan.

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